How to create beam bending moment (BMD) and shear force diagram (SFD) using PyMAPDL and PyDPF

shear force and bending moment diagram example below uses BEAM188 elements .
example uses pyMAPDL to run the simulation
Pydpf to extract result
matplotlib to plot the SF and BM diagrams
You can alter the beam SECTYPE,SECDATA, fix_location and force location as input arguments of the function
Inputs and import statements
- #Import statements
- from ansys.mapdl.core import launch_mapdl
- import numpy as np
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- from import ScalarMappable
- from matplotlib.colors import Normalize
- from matplotlib import ticker
- from ansys.dpf import core as dpf
- import os
- run_location=r"D:\apdl\test\4"
- nproc=4
- override=True
- mapdl = launch_mapdl(run_location=run_location, nproc=nproc, override=override)
Creation of model using pyMAPDL
- def create_model_setup(SECDATA,
- YM,
- MU,
- mapdl.clear("All")
- mapdl.prep7()
-'', 'BEAM188')
-'EX', mat='1', c0='%s'%(YM))
-'PRXY', mat='1', c0='%s'%(MU))
- mapdl.sectype(secid='1', type_='BEAM', subtype='%s'%(SECTYPE))
- mapdl.secdata(tuple(SECDATA))
- mapdl.seccontrol(1E15,1E15)
- mapdl.k(npt='1', x='0', y='0', z='0')
- mapdl.k(npt='2', x='%s'%(BEAM_LENGTH), y='0', z='0')
- mapdl.l(p1='1', p2='2', ndiv='%s'%(LINE_DIV))
- mapdl.lesize(nl1='ALL', size='', angsiz='', ndiv='%s'%(LENGTH_DIV))
- mapdl.lmesh(nl1='ALL')
Adding Loads and Bc and Solving them
- def run_simulation(fix_loc,
- pin_loc,
- concentrated_loc,
- concentrated_force,
- distributed_loc,
- distributed_force,
- elem_plot_flag):
- mapdl.solution()
- mapdl.ddele(node='ALL', lab='ALL')
- mapdl.fdele(node='ALL', lab='ALL')
- mapdl.sfedele(elem='ALL', lkey='ALL', lab='ALL')
- for fix_lo in fix_loc:
- fix_node = mapdl.queries.node(fix_lo[0], fix_lo[1], fix_lo[2])
- mapdl.d(node='%s'%(fix_node), lab='ALL', value='0')
- for pin_lo in pin_loc:
- pin_node = mapdl.queries.node(pin_lo[0], pin_lo[1], pin_lo[2])
- mapdl.d(node='%s'%(pin_node), lab='UX', value='0')
- mapdl.d(node='%s'%(pin_node), lab='UY', value='0')
- mapdl.d(node='%s'%(pin_node), lab='UZ', value='0')
- mapdl.d(node='%s'%(pin_node), lab='ROTY', value='0')
- mapdl.d(node='%s'%(pin_node), lab='ROTZ', value='0')
- for count, force_lo in enumerate(concentrated_loc):
- force_node = mapdl.queries.node(force_lo[0], force_lo[1], force_lo[2])
- mapdl.f(node='%s'%(force_node), lab='FY', value=concentrated_force[count])
- for count, force_lo in enumerate(distributed_loc):
- mapdl.esel(type_='S', item='CENT', comp='X', vmin=force_lo[0], vmax=force_lo[1])
- mapdl.sfbeam(elem='ALL', lkey='2', lab='PRES', vali=distributed_force[count])
- mapdl.allsel(labt='ALL', entity='ALL')
- mapdl.allsel(labt='ALL', entity='ALL')
- mapdl.outres(item='ALL', freq='ALL')
- if elem_plot_flag == True:
- mapdl.eplot(plot_bc=True, bc_labels=["UX", "UY", "UZ", "FX", "FY", "FZ"], plot_bc_labels=True)
- mapdl.solve()
-'test', ext='db')
Extracting shear force and bending moments using DPF and plot using matplotlib
- def plot_bending_moment_shear_force(rstpath,
- smiscI,
- smiscJ,
- plotname):
- # data source
- my_data_sources = dpf.DataSources(rstpath)
- # model
- my_model = dpf.Model(rstpath)
- # mesh
- my_mesh = my_model.metadata.meshed_region
- # Get result operator
- result_operator = dpf.operators.result.__getattribute__("smisc")
- result_field_container = result_operator(
- time_scoping=[1], data_sources=my_data_sources, mesh=my_mesh, item_index=smiscI
- ).outputs.fields_container.get_data()
- # First Field usually field corresponding to first time scoping
- resultfield = result_field_container[0]
- element_ids = resultfield.scoping.ids
- i_nodes_coordinates = [my_mesh.elements.element_by_id(
- x).nodes[1].coordinates[0] for x in element_ids]
- BMY_T_I = resultfield.data_as_list
- result_field_container = result_operator(
- time_scoping=[1], data_sources=my_data_sources, mesh=my_mesh, item_index=smiscJ
- ).outputs.fields_container.get_data()
- # First Field usually field corresponding to first time scoping
- resultfield = result_field_container[0]
- element_ids = resultfield.scoping.ids
- j_nodes_coordinates = [my_mesh.elements.element_by_id(
- x).nodes[1].coordinates[0] for x in element_ids]
- BMY_T_J = resultfield.data_as_list
- # Assuming i_nodes_coordinates, j_nodes_coordinates, BMY_T_I, BMY_T_J are defined
- x = np.concatenate((i_nodes_coordinates, j_nodes_coordinates))
- y = np.concatenate((BMY_T_I, BMY_T_J))
- # Create a colormap
- cmap = plt.get_cmap('viridis')
- norm = Normalize(vmin=np.min(y), vmax=np.max(y))
- # Create a ScalarMappable
- sm = ScalarMappable(cmap=cmap, norm=norm)
- sm.set_array([])
- # Create the bar chart
- fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 5)) # Adjust the figure size
-, y, color=cmap(norm(y)))
- ax.set_xlabel('X_distance')
- ax.set_title(plotname+' Diagram')
- # Set y-axis limits
- ax.set_ylim([np.min(y), np.max(y)])
- # Create an array of 10 evenly spaced values between min(y) and max(y)
- ticks = np.linspace(np.min(y), np.max(y), 10)
- # Add a colorbar with specific ticks
- cbar = fig.colorbar(sm, ax=ax, ticks=ticks)
- cbar.set_label(plotname)
- # Format the colorbar tick labels to have two decimal places
- cbar.formatter = ticker.FuncFormatter(lambda x, pos: '{:.4f}'.format(x))
- cbar.update_ticks()
Function calls Below
- ### Call the defined functions####
- # create model
- create_model_setup(
- LINE_DIV=50,
- YM=2E8,
- MU=0.3,
- )
- #Run simulation
- run_simulation(
- fix_loc=[[10, 0, 0], [90, 0, 0]],
- pin_loc=[[50, 0, 0]],
- concentrated_loc = [[30, 0, 0], [80, 0, 0],[100, 0, 0]],
- concentrated_force = [1000, 500,500],
- distributed_loc=[[0,100]],
- distributed_force = [1000],
- elem_plot_flag = True
- )
- # Bending Moment diagram
- plot_bending_moment_shear_force(
- rstpath=os.path.join(run_location, "file.rst"),
- smiscI=32,
- smiscJ=37,
- plotname="Bending Moment"
- )
- # Shear Force diagram
- plot_bending_moment_shear_force(
- rstpath=r"D:\apdl\test\4\file.rst",
- smiscI=6,
- smiscJ=19,
- plotname="Shear Force"
- )
- mapdl.exit()
1 -
Also for further reference please refer BEAM188 documentation below, -
i am getting error while running above code.The operator SMISC doesn't exist in the registry. Check its spelling in the documentation or verify its availability in your loaded plugins. The current available operator names can be accessed using 'available_operator_names' method."
how to rectify it?