SpaceClaim Scripting with Facets

Member Posts: 6
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Hello everyone,

Background: I am working in SpaceClaim using API V23. I am staying on this version for now until I get the final report for my project finished before moving on to Discovery and R25 sometime in March/April.

I am trying to fill some small holes in my faceted body that were created when I cut it with a plane in my script. I can record the operation and it is executed correctly. If I simply excute this recorded code:

  1. # Facettierte Körperöffnungen füllen
  2. options = FacetFixHolesOptions()
  3. options.FillType = FillType.Cap
  4. options.FillRelationship = FillRelationship.Separately
  5. result = FacetFixHoles.FindAndFix(options)
  6. # EndBlock

The output (error) is given as:
Der Wert darf nicht NULL sein. Parametername: source

Sorry it is in German, but basically means the value may not be zero. Does anyone have an ideas?


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  • Member, Employee Posts: 59
    5 Answers Second Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Likes
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    Hello @NickFL,
    I can't reproduce your problem, your script is working well in my simple model.
    Actually, I can get a similar error when I use FacetFixHoles.FixSpecific(selection, options)
    Can you please share a model for me to reproduce the issue?


  • Administrator, Employee Posts: 303
    Ancient Membership 100 Comments 100 Likes 25 Answers

    Hello! Thanks for your post, Someone from the @AKD-Scripting-Team might be able to help. In the mean time, which function has the parameter source? It doesn't seem clear from the context you provided.

  • Member Posts: 6
    Name Dropper First Comment

    Thank you for your time gentlemen. In trying to recreate the problem on a smaller model I came across the options.Cap = True under the FaceSplit. I am not sure why I did not see or try it before, but it seems to work for the couple of cases I tried it on. I will continue to use it to see if it is robust enough for my needs.


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