How to group joint results in the same groups we create in connections definition ?

I create a code in order the create joint results (force and moment) for each joint in the model. All the results are store in the same group.
- def def_JointExport(analysis,nom="Liaisons",temps=[]):
- numberAnalysis=Tree.GetPathToFirstActiveObject()
- nameAnalysis=numberAnalysis[numberAnalysis.find('[')+1:numberAnalysis.find(']')]
- solution = ExtAPI.DataModel.Project.Model.Analyses[int(nameAnalysis)].Solution
- connections = ExtAPI.DataModel.Project.Model.Connections
- strForceUnit = ExtAPI.DataModel.CurrentUnitFromQuantityName("Force")
- strMomentUnit = ExtAPI.DataModel.CurrentUnitFromQuantityName("Moment")
- strLengthUnit = ExtAPI.DataModel.CurrentUnitFromQuantityName("Length")
- strVelocityUnit = ExtAPI.DataModel.CurrentUnitFromQuantityName("Velocity")
- joints_temp = connections.GetChildren(DataModelObjectCategory.Joint,True)
- joints = [joint for joint in joints_temp if joint.Suppressed == False and len(joint.MobileLocation.Ids) != 0 and len(joint.ReferenceLocation.Ids) != 0]
- liste_dossier = solution.GetChildren(DataModelObjectCategory.TreeGroupingFolder, True)
- if len(temps) == 0:
- temps = analysis.StepsEndTime
- # Suppresion du dossier DDC si deja existant
- for dossier in liste_dossier:
- if dossier.Name == "{}".format(nom):
- dossier.DeleteTreeGroupAndChildren()
- # Create a joint probe for each joint not already having a result probe
- resgr=[]
- cpt = 0
- with Transaction(suspendClicks=True):
- for joint in joints:
- if joint.Suppressed == False:
- cpt = cpt + 1
- joint_probe = solution.AddJointProbe()
- joint_probe.BoundaryConditionSelection = joint
- joint_probe.Name = "Liaison_Pdt{}_F_{}_{}".format(str(temps[0]),str(joint.Type), joint.Name)
- joint_probe.DisplayTime = Quantity(str(temps[0]) + ' [sec]')
- #joint_probe.RenameBasedOnDefinition()
- resgr.append(joint_probe)
- joint_probe = solution.AddJointProbe()
- joint_probe.BoundaryConditionSelection = joint
- try:
- joint_probe.ResultType = ProbeResultType.MomentReaction
- joint_probe.Name = "Liaison_Pdt{}_M_{}_{}".format(str(temps[0]),str(joint.Type), joint.Name)
- joint_probe.DisplayTime = Quantity(str(temps[0]) + ' [sec]')
- #joint_probe.RenameBasedOnDefinition()
- resgr.append(joint_probe)
- except:
- joint_probe.ResultType = ProbeResultType.FrictionMomentProbe
- joint_probe.Name = "Liaison_Pdt{}_M_{}_{}".format(str(temps[0]),str(joint.Type), joint.Name)
- joint_probe.DisplayTime = Quantity(str(temps[0]) + ' [sec]')
- #joint_probe.RenameBasedOnDefinition()
- resgr.append(joint_probe)
- joint_probe = solution.AddJointProbe()
- joint_probe.BoundaryConditionSelection = joint
- joint_probe.ResultType = ProbeResultType.RotationProbe
- joint_probe.Name = "Liaison_Pdt{}_M_{}_{}".format(str(temps[0]),str(joint.Type), joint.Name)
- joint_probe.DisplayTime = Quantity(str(temps[0]) + ' [sec]')
- #joint_probe.RenameBasedOnDefinition()
- resgr.append(joint_probe)
- ExtAPI.DataModel.Tree.Refresh()
- if cpt != 0:
- dossier_joints = ExtAPI.DataModel.Tree.Group(resgr)
- dossier_joints.Name = "{}".format(nom)
- solution.EvaluateAllResults()
For now, I only get one folder with all results inside.
But in case I have multiple folders in the connection definition, is there a way to group joint results in the same groups ?
Here an example of folders :
Hi Jean, thanks for your question, I am tagging the @AKD-Scripting-Team who should be able to help.
0 -
@Jean there isn't a direct API to do this. You need to loop over all the Joint results fetch their Boundary Condition and collect the ones that belong to a group together in a list and then create a Group.
- joint.BoundaryConditionSelection
- Tree.Group(joints)
0 -
@Ayush Kumar said:
@Jean there isn't a direct API to do this. You need to loop over all the Joint results fetch their Boundary Condition and collect the ones that belong to a group together in a list and then create a Group.- joint.BoundaryConditionSelection
- Tree.Group(joints)
Hi Ayush,
Thanks for your answer.
Indeed, if for each joint I can have the information about its group, it will be easy.
But I don't know how to get this information.In my script, I get all the joints :
- joints_temp = connections.GetChildren(DataModelObjectCategory.Joint,True)
- joints = [joint for joint in joints_temp if joint.Suppressed == False and len(joint.MobileLocation.Ids) != 0 and len(joint.ReferenceLocation.Ids) != 0]
After that, I do a loop on these joints, to do some operation.
For each joint, how can I know if the joint belong to a group or not (and if it belong to a group, the name of the group) ?
Jean0 -
@Jean, you can get the name of the groups by checking the Parent name.
- for joint in joints:
- print joint.Parent.Name