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Why does pyDPF report negative harmonic indices
When listing model data pyDPF shows negative values for Harmonic Index? Number of sets: 30 Cumulative Frequency (Hz) LoadStep Substep Harmonic index 1 670386.325235 1 1 0.000000 2 872361.424038 1 2 0…6 -
Upcoming Changes to the Ansys Developer Forums
All, In the coming weeks we will begin to make updates/changes to the forum UI/UX. While these changes will not be drastic, they will hopefully improve your experience here and make for more usable n…5 -
Re: How to retrieve WB extensions Log Output as a String in ACT console?
From David Roche's TIG Post: import clrclr.AddReference("Ansys.ACT.Core")from Ansys.ACT.Core.Messages import * print Log.Stream.ToString()5 -
Re: How to export results (SMISC - axial forces and moments) for all the beam connections in Mechanical?
Extension to the above answer, when Beam connection is scoped to a Bolt Pretension (beam is divided into two elements) and we need the My and Mz results at Node i of the first beam elem (first half o…7 -
Re: Update multiple static links for a record as a sequence
Hi Mickael! This is possible, the trick is that you can call the set_links method multiple times for the same record. See the sample code below: from GRANTA_MIScriptingToolkit import granta as mpymi …6 -
What are the methods to retrieve geo bodies and tree bodies?
What are the methods to retrieve geo bodies and tree bodies?9 -
Re: Mechanical 2022R2 DPF VTK Export of Assembly & Plotting Parts.
This is possible by adding an identifier to the VTK Export such as the element material ID number. As an example we can use the Vise geometry that is included in the Ansys installation and which has …7 -
Re: How do I run Discovery in batch?
"%awp_root231%\Discovery\Discovery.exe" --hidden --run-script "D:\myfilepath\Open_Save.dscript" --exit-after-script More command line options are in the help documentation. For v2…5 -
PathAnalysis package for ANSYS Mechanical
Extension package in python for ANSYS Mechanical for computing and exporting stress and temperature analyses along linear paths to produce analyses necessary for licensing pressure vessels under some…6