How to create custom buttons on WB Project page?

Ayush Kumar
Member, Moderator, Employee Posts: 472
I want to create a set a of analysis systems on the WB project page and connect them automatically. Ideally I require a custom button on the WB project page, which when clicked calls a function where I can define my workflow.
You can create an ACT extension by using the following XML and Python code. This code will create a button on the WB project page which when clicked adds a static structural analysis system. The user can code a complex workflow within the callback.
<extension version="1" name="CustomButtonWB" icon="images\tab.png"> <script src="" /> <interface context="Project"> <images>images</images> <toolbar name="CustomButtonWB" caption="CustomButtonWB"> <entry name="Custom Button WB" caption="Custom Button WB" icon="ansys"> <callbacks> <onclick>add_static_structural</onclick> </callbacks> </entry> </toolbar> </interface> </extension>
def add_static_structural(entity): ExtAPI.Log.WriteMessage("Button clicked...") template1 = GetTemplate(TemplateName="Static Structural", Solver="ANSYS") system1 = template1.CreateSystem()
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Being lazy, I adapted Ayush's solution to clean out my WB so if I have a lot of systems I don't have to click through and clear generated results for each.
<extension version="1" name="wbCleaner" icon="images\tab.png"> <script src="" /> <interface context="Project"> <images>images</images> <toolbar name="wbCleaner" caption="wbCleaner"> <entry name="WB Cleaner" caption="WB Cleaner" icon="shiva"> <callbacks> <onclick>cleanWB</onclick> </callbacks> </entry> </toolbar> </interface> </extension>
def cleanWB(entity): ExtAPI.Log.WriteMessage("Cleaning up your Workbench Schematic, please wait...") for system in GetAllSystems(): try: modelComponent1 = system.GetComponent(Name="Model") ExtAPI.Log.WriteMessage("Cleaning up " + system.Name.ToString()) modelComponent1.Clean() except: # some systems can not be updated, geometry for example pass