Windows Form deactivates Space Claim interface

Ansys Staff
Ansys Staff Member, Employee Posts: 24
Ansys Employee Name Dropper First Comment Photogenic
edited June 2023 in 3D Design

I have an C# addin for Space Claim with a Windows Form interface. The user is then asked to select a SPEOS object and press Ok but this requires being able to interact with the interface.

Is there any way I can activate SC interaction behind the form so I can select the object.



  • Ansys Staff
    Ansys Staff Member Posts: 29

    Thanks @Rajesh Kumar Meena . Yes a solution was found. This unlocked the background :        {            Window window = Window.ActiveWindow;            DocObject sceneSpace = window.Scene.Root;            var dialog = new UI_Extensions.ImportPointCloud();            dialog.Show();        }