How do I apply pressure calculated as a function of polar coordinates of the element centroid in WB
Ayush Kumar
Member, Moderator, Employee Posts: 442
The pressure load object in WB LS-Dyna applies a constant pressure value on all the selected elements. How can I vary the pressure value as a function of polar coordinates (theta, phi) of the element the pressure is applied on?
This is not natively supported in WB LS-Dyna. However, one can use the following script to retrieve the element centroid and the geometry origin to convert cartesian to polar coordinates and apply a calculated pressure on individual elements using command snippets
- Please adjust the script to retrieve the origin from the geometry object in the DataModelTree. This script uses (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) as the origin.
- Define a Named selection of all the elements pressure is to be applied on and name it "elements_ns"
import math # Get elements ns = ExtAPI.DataModel.GetObjectsByName("elements_ns")[0] mesh_data = ExtAPI.DataModel.MeshDataByName("Global") # Add Snippets analysis = Model.Analyses[0] # Add Load Curve load_curve = analysis.AddCommandSnippet() load_curve.Name = "DEFINE_CURVE" # Add Load Segment load_segment = analysis.AddCommandSnippet() load_segment.Name = "LOAD_SEGMENT" # Loop over all the elements origin = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) # Retrieve from Geometry Properties elements = ns.Ids for index, element in enumerate(elements, start=100): element = mesh_data.ElementById(element) element_centroid = element.Centroid u""" Convert cartesian coordinates to polar coordinates. """ # R r = ((element_centroid[0] - origin[0]) ** 2 + (element_centroid[1] - origin[1]) ** 2 + ( element_centroid[2] - origin[2]) ** 2) ** 0.5 # THETA - Please check and convert the units if needed theta = math.acos((element_centroid[2] - origin[2]) / r) * (180.0 / math.pi) # PHI phi = math.atan((element_centroid[1] - origin[1]) / (element_centroid[0] - origin[0])) * (180.0 / math.pi) # Corner Nodes corner_node_ids = element.CornerNodeIds # Calculate Pressure on basis of a function -> f(theta, phi) p = 0.3 * math.sin(phi) load_curve.AppendText(u"""*DEFINE_CURVE $#lcid, sidr, sfa, sfo, offa, offo, dattyp, lcint {0}, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0 $#a1, o1 0.0, {1} 1.0, {1} 10.0, {1} """.format(index, p)) load_segment.AppendText(u"""*LOAD_SEGMENT_ID $#id {0} $#lcid, sf, at, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5 {1}, 1.0, 0.0, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, 0 """.format(index * 2, index, corner_node_ids[0], corner_node_ids[1], corner_node_ids[2], corner_node_ids[3]))