How do I obtain displacement results in a cylindrical coordinate system during a cyclic symmetric an

Sascha Hell
Member, Employee Posts: 11

How do I obtain displacement results in a cylindrical coordinate system during a cyclic symmetric analysis using DPF?
def define_dpf_workflow(analysis): import mech_dpf import Ans.DataProcessing as dpf ####set up the file paths ExtAPI.Log.WriteMessage(analysis.WorkingDir + 'file.rst') ExtAPI.Log.WriteMessage('Load Datasources rst') data_sources = dpf.DataSources(r'' + analysis.WorkingDir + 'file.rst') model = dpf.Model(data_sources) # MODEL is new entity that allows to access results and metadata (mesh, timeFreqSupport, etc.), not documented yet... # model.ResultInfo # gives info on Analysis type, unit system and available result quantities meshProviders = model.MeshProvider # Provide mesh and cure degenerated elements meshProviders.inputs.read_cyclic.Connect(2) # Cyclic Expansion of Results, 1=off, 2=on ### Result Set Scoping timeScop = dpf.Scoping() timeScop.Ids = [1] ### Results operator: Displacements u = model.results.displacement() # Initialize operator u.inputs.time_scoping.Connect(timeScop) # Select Result Set u.inputs.read_cyclic.Connect(2) # Cyclic Expansion of Results, 1=off, 2=on #u.inputs.bool_rotate_to_global.Connect(False)# keep stress in solution coordinate sys # Create cylindrical CS xAxis = [1.,0.,0.] yAxis = [0.,1.,0.] zAxis = [0.,0.,1.] origi = [0.,0.,0.] cylDataInput = [xAxis[0],yAxis[0],zAxis[0], xAxis[1],yAxis[1],zAxis[1], xAxis[2],yAxis[2],zAxis[2], origi[0],origi[1],origi[2]] cylCS= dpf.FieldsFactory.CreateVectorField(12,1) # create field to host CS data cylCS.Data=cylDataInput # Convert from Cartesian to Cylindrical u_cyl = dpf.operators.geo.rotate_in_cylindrical_cs_fc() # operator instanciation u_cyl.inputs.field.Connect(u) # field to be transformed u_cyl.inputs.coordinate_system.Connect(cylCS) # cylindrical coordinate system #u_cyl_field = u_cyl.outputs.fields_container.GetData() ### Logic operator for vector component selection: u_comp = dpf.operators.logic.component_selector_fc() # Operator instanciation u_comp.Connect(0,u_cyl) # use stress operator to provide input u_comp.Connect(1,0) # select component: 0-X, 1-Y, 2-Z #u_comp_field = u_comp.outputs.fields_container.GetData() ### Define Workflow for Execution dpf_workflow = dpf.Workflow() ### Add operators to Workflow dpf_workflow.Add(u) dpf_workflow.Add(u_comp) ### Set input and output #dpf_workflow.Connect('time', timeScop) dpf_workflow.SetOutputContour(u_comp) dpf_workflow.SetOutputMesh(meshProviders.outputs.mesh) dpf_workflow.SetOutputWarpField(u) ### execution commands for Workflow dpf_workflow.Record('wf_id', True) this.WorkflowId = dpf_workflow.GetRecordedId()