How to create output parameters from SCDM (Spaceclaim)

Gabriel Messager
Member, Employee Posts: 58
Only input parameters can be created in Spaceclaim.
Is there a way to create output parameters using scripting?
A workaround is to create input parameters, which act as output parameters.
In this example, the "real" input parameter is "scale".
The 3 others input parameters (length1, length2 and angle) are used as output parameters.
# Python Script, API Version = V21 from SpaceClaim.Api.V21 import Command scale = Parameters.scale ClearAll() # Create Box result = BlockBody.Create(Point.Create(MM(-20*scale), MM(-5), MM(0)), Point.Create(MM(20*scale), MM(10), MM(20*scale)), ExtrudeType.ForceAdd, Info1) # EndBlock #output parameters length1 = GetRootPart().Bodies[0].Edges[7].Shape.Length length2 = GetRootPart().Bodies[0].Edges[8].Shape.Length selection = Selection.Create([GetRootPart().Bodies[0].Faces[3], GetRootPart().Bodies[0].Faces[2]]) angle = MeasureHelper.GetAngleBetweenObjectsInfo(selection).Angle dict_output = {"length1": length1, "length2": length2, "angle": angle} allgroups = GetActiveWindow().Groups for mygroup in allgroups: name = mygroup.GetName() if name in dict_output: mygroup.SetDimensionValue(dict_output[name]) Command.Execute("Ansys.22.1.UpdateParameters")