How do I get the SURF node and element numbers for a particular pressure load object in mechanical?
Member, Employee Posts: 216
You can get the element and nodes corresponding to a particular pressure object in mechanical.
You can replicate the same procedure for obtaining SURF elements of pressure, radiation,...etc in a similar way
first solve the model as the surface elements are created during the solve.
firstsolution = ExtAPI.DataModel.Project.Model.GetChildren(DataModelObjectCategory.Solution,True)[0] solverdata= firstsolution.SolverData pressureobject = ExtAPI.DataModel.GetObjectsByName('Pressure')[0] pressureobjectdata = solverdata.GetObjectData(pressureobject) surf_elem_type = pressureobjectdata.SurfaceEffectElementTypeId surf_elem_nodes = solverdata.NodeIdsByMaterialId(str(surf_elem_type)) surf_elem_elems = solverdata.ElementIdsByMaterialId(str(surf_elem_type))
surf_elem_nodes and surf_elem_elems would correspond to SURF154 nodes and elements of a pressure load called "Pressure" in the mechanical object