How can we use a Design Point (DP) parameter from one DP in a different DP?
Member, Employee Posts: 248
This was a challenge from a customer to bring a DP output parameter from one DP as an input to a following DP.
It is possible with a bit of WB scripting. I couldn't find a native way to do it, but I am lazy.
import time inputParameter = 'P2' # Parameter IDs from WB outputParameter = 'P1' # Script # SetProjectUnitSystem(UnitSystemName="NMM_STANDARD") # Always check units in your model p_in = Parameters.GetParameter(inputParameter) # grab the parameter identifiers p_out = Parameters.GetParameter(outputParameter) designPoints = Parameters.GetAllDesignPoints() ctr = 0 for designPoint in designPoints: if ctr > 0: Parameters.SetBaseDesignPoint(DesignPoint=designPoint) designPoint.SetParameterExpression(p_in,pNew) UpdateAllDesignPoints(DesignPoints=[designPoint]) tctr = 0 while designPoint.StateOfParameters != 'UpToDate' and tctr < 10: # max 10 sec to try time.sleep(1) tctr+=1 pNew = p_out.Value.ToString().split()[0] # grab the output from solved print(pNew) ctr+=1
You have to be careful with the input/ouput definition but it should work.