Is it possible to use the DPF out of an ACT extension?

Peter Member Posts: 6
First Anniversary Name Dropper First Comment
edited June 2023 in Structures

(Ansys Mechanical 2022 R2)

Is it possible to insert a postobject with the DPF and not use the collector in an ACT extension?


  • Pernelle Marone-Hitz
    Pernelle Marone-Hitz Member, Moderator, Employee Posts: 870
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    edited December 2022

    Hi @Peter . ACT objects such as Post objects, Result objects, etc can only be created through ACT. However, directly in Mechanical there is now the Python Result object that will enable you to create a custom results by using DPF to compute this result and plot it back to the model. The method here is simpler than the one used in ACT, there is no need to feed the collector anymore. Please check "Python Result" in the Mechanical help for further insight.

  • Peter
    Peter Member Posts: 6
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Comment

    I have some custom ACT extensions, which inserts over bottons in the ribbon bar.

    How do I save the Python Result for other Projects, or is it nessesary to copy the script code and property code every time?

  • Pernelle Marone-Hitz
    Pernelle Marone-Hitz Member, Moderator, Employee Posts: 870
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    @Peter Python Results are only saved within a specific project. To have them in another project you will have to recreate the Python Result. You could consider saving the script in a script snippet to be able to easily retrieve it in any Mechanical instance.

  • Pierre Thieffry
    Pierre Thieffry Member, Moderator, Employee Posts: 107
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    @Peter Take a look at this (brand new) app: it will let you store contents of Python Results and Python Code so they can be reused (including properties) in other projects. There is also a copy/paste functionality for use within a project.