Issues with changing the coordinate system in a "user define results" plot.
Hi guys :)
I am looking into changing the CoordinateSystem field of a User defined plot in a script from "Global coordinate system" to "Solution Coordinate System" but have hit a wall. The macro recorder does not record any changes and the Plot.CoordinateSystem parameter can only accept objects of type coordinate system! How can I find a quick way for this change?
Any help in this regard will be much appreciated :)
Best Answer
Hi @Kev , this is not intuitive, but if you set the CS to "None", you'll get the Solution CS:
normal_stress = DataModel.GetObjectsByType(Ansys.ACT.Automation.Mechanical.Results.StressResults.NormalStress)[0] normal_stress.CoordinateSystem = None
Hi @Pernelle Marone-Hitz . Thanks again for your prompt help!
I should have known it was something along those lines as when I assigned the plot.CoordinateSystem to a variable and queried different attributes I'd get an error like " NoneType object has no attribute .... " .
Thanks a million again Prenelle :)