How can I export the elements of the deformed geometry?
Hi, I have used the following snippet for exporting the elements and write the in a txt file but was unsuscessful, if anyone could help.
allsel ! Select all entities of the model.
my_elements = E_COUNT
*cfopen, element_data_file,txt !Create a txt file called "node_data_file"
*do,i,1,num_elements,1 ! Loop over each node
num_nodes = ETABLE(ELEM, i, NODE, 0)
node_id_1 = ETABLE(ELEM, elem_num, NODE, 1)
node_id_2 = ETABLE(ELEM, elem_num, NODE, 2)
node_id_3 = ETABLE(ELEM, elem_num, NODE, 3)
node_id_4 = ETABLE(ELEM, elem_num, NODE, 4)
*vwrite, node_id_1,node_id_2,node_id_3, node_id_4 ! Write out these values
*CFCLOS ! Close file
Not sure I understand what you are trying to do. Could you please elaborate on your goal?