Import Heat Flow tabular load using Python script

Nikos Kallitsis
Nikos Kallitsis Member, Employee Posts: 38
10 Comments 5 Likes First Anniversary Ansys Employee
edited June 2023 in Structures

I have a Heat Flow table in .csv format, with the timesteps in the first column and the load values in the second column.

How can I import this load and apply it to a Face in Mechanical using Python?


Best Answer

  • Nikos Kallitsis
    Nikos Kallitsis Member, Employee Posts: 38
    10 Comments 5 Likes First Anniversary Ansys Employee
    Answer ✓

    You can import a Heat Flow load with Python using the code below.

    • It's necessary to have defined the faces you want to apply the load to in a Named Selection, e.g., SelectedFaces.
    • The first row of the data is assumed to be the headers, and therefore it's skipped.
    import os
    import csv
    filePath = os.path.join('YourDrive', os.sep, 'File', 'Path') #Create path YourDrive:\File\Path
    fileName = os.path.join(filePath, 'YourFile.csv') #Create path YourDrive:\File\Path\YourFile.csv
    os.chdir(filePath) #Change directory
    timesteps = [] #Create empty list to store timestep values
    loads = [] #Create empty list to store load values
    with open(fileName, 'r') as csvFile:
      csvRead = csv.reader(csvFile, delimiter=',')
      next(csvRead) #Skip first line (assumed headers)
      for row in csvRead:
        timesteps.append(row[0]) #Populate list with first column's values
        loads.append(row[1]) #Populate list with second column's values
    #Configure lists
    timeUnit = '[sec]' #Timestep unit
    loadUnit = '[W]' #Load unit
    timesteps = [str(time) + timeUnit for time in timesteps] #Convert values to strings and append unit
    loads = [str(load) + loadUnit for load in loads] #Convert values to strings and append unit
    #Create load
    analysis = Model.Analyses[0] #Access 1st analysis system
    heatFlow = analysis.AddHeatFlow() #Add a Heat Flow load to analysis
    loadFace = DataModel.GetObjectsByName('SelectedFaces')[0] #Get Named Selection with load face
    heatFlow.Location = loadFace #Scope load to Named Selection
    heatFlow.Magnitude.Inputs[0].DiscreteValues = [Quantity(time) for time in timesteps]
    heatFlow.Magnitude.Output.DiscreteValues = [Quantity(load) for load in loads]


  • GB
    GB Member Posts: 1
    First Comment

    Hi, I tried your code, and it works pretty well. Unfortunately, the step controls in the analysis settings is not updated in my model. Could you help me how to fix it?