How to interact with Excel from Mechanical (or other applications)
See the code below and copy/paste into a .py file.
""" CodePath="<PathToCode>" import sys if not CodePath in sys.path: sys.path.append(CodePath) import ExcelManager; reload(ExcelManager) from ExcelManager import * XLManager = MsExcelManager() XLManager.GetApp(CreateNew=True, Visible=True).OpenWorkbook() XLManager.SetCellValue(1,1,"Hi There") XLManager.SetCellValue(1,2,123.205) print XLManager.GetCellValue(1,2) Rng = XLManager.GetRangeByRowCol(1,1,1,2) Vals = GetRangeValues(Rng) print Vals """ #region imports and global import clr clr.AddReference("Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel") import Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel as Excel from System.Runtime.InteropServices import Marshal import os #endregion class MsExcelManager: """ Helps to communicate and do things with MS Excel program """ def __init__(self): self.App = None #The instance of the Excel application self.StatusReportControl=None #Optional: Control used to report the status of what action is going on. self.Log="" #Use this to keep a log of actions. self.Status="Ready" #Use this as an internal status to know what is going on. def GetApp(self,CreateNew=False,Visible = False): """ Gets the Excel Application. Opens a new application instance Args: (CreateNew=False,visible = False) CreateNew: if True, open a new instance of Excel. If False, try to get a currently open session. visible: Determines if the program should be visible or not. """ #If the app is open it gets the current instance, and if not it opens it App = None if CreateNew==False: #If you have anything as the "App" variable then use that. if self.App!=None: return self.App else: try:App = Marshal.GetActiveObject("Excel.Application") #If you dont have anything try to get an app that is open except:pass #If you still have nothing, try to make a new instance of the Excel program. if App==None: App = Excel.ApplicationClass() else: #CreateNew: True App = Excel.ApplicationClass() #Open a new instance of application try: if Visible: App.Visible=True #Set visibility except:pass self.App = App #Set the class variable "App" to what you got from this method. return App def CloseApp(self): """ Closes the application """ try: self.App.Quit() except:pass self.App=None def OpenWorkbook(self,FilePath): """ Open a workbook by its file path. """ Wb = self.WbIsOpen(FilePath) if Wb==False: Wb = self.App.Workbooks.Open(FilePath) return Wb def WbIsOpen(self,FilePath): for Wb in self.App.Workbooks: if os.path.join(Wb.Path,Wb.Name)==FilePath: return Wb return False def GetRangeByRowCol(self, RowStart,ColStart,RowEnd,ColEnd,Sheet=None): if Sheet==None: Sheet=self.GetActiveSheet() Rng = Sheet.Range(Sheet.Cells(RowStart,ColStart),Sheet.Cells(RowEnd,ColEnd)) return Rng def GetRangeByName(self,RangeName, WkBk=None): """ Get the range based on its name for an Excel Named Range. """ if WkBk==None: WkBk=self.GetActiveWorkbook() return WkBk.Names.Item(RangeName).RefersToRange def GetSelectionRange(self):return self.App.Selection def GetActiveWorkbook(self): if self.App.ActiveWorkbook==None: WB = self.App.Workbooks.Add() return self.App.ActiveWorkbook def GetActiveSheet(self): return self.GetActiveWorkbook().ActiveSheet def SetCellValue(self, Row, Col, Val, Sheet=None): if Sheet==None: Sheet = self.GetActiveSheet() Sheet.Cells(Row, Col).Value = Val def GetCellValue(self, Row, Col, Sheet=None): if Sheet==None: Sheet = self.GetActiveSheet() return Sheet.Cells(Row, Col).Value2 def GetSelectedRows(self): """ Get a list of the selected row integers. Can be non-continuous. """ Rng=self.GetSelectionRange() MyRows=set() for i in range(1, Rng.Areas.Count+1): StartRow = Rng.Areas[i].Row EndRow = StartRow+ Rng.Areas[i].Rows.Count MyRows.update(range(StartRow, EndRow)) return list(MyRows) def GetRangeToLeft(self,Rng): RowEnd = Rng.Row+Rng.Rows.Count ColEnd = Rng.Column+Rng.Columns.Count return self.GetRangeByRowCol(Rng.Row, Rng.Column,RowEnd, ColEnd, Rng.WorkSheet) def GetNamedRangeValues(self,RangeName, WkBk=None): """ Get the values based on its name for an Excel Named Range. """ if WkBk==None: WkBk=self.GetActiveWorkbook() Rng=self.GetRangeByName(RangeName, WkBk) return Rng.Value() def ReportStatus(self,Status): if self.StatusReportControl!=None: try:self.StatusReportControl.Text=Status except Exception as e: pass self.Log+='\n'+Status #Helper Range Functions. def GetRangeValues(Rng): """ Retrieve data of a range Returns a list of nested lists with each nested list corresponding to row data. Assumes a continuous range with no merged cells or disconnected Areas """ Vals =Rng.Value() Data = [] for i in range(Rng.Rows.Count): RowData = [] Data.append(RowData) for j in range(Rng.Columns.Count): RowData.append(Vals[i,j]) return Data def SetRangeValues(Rng, Values): """ Retrieve data of a range Returns a list of nested lists with each nested list corresponding to row data. Assumes a continuous range with no merged cells or disconnected Areas """ Sh = Rng.Worksheet for Cell in Rng.Cells: r = Cell.Row c = Cell.Column i = Cell.Row-Rng.Row j = Cell.Column-Rng.Column Sh.Cells(r,c).Value=Values[i][j] def GetRangeValuesByColumn(Rng): """ Retrieve data by columns from a range Returns a list of nested lists with each nested list corresponding to column data. """ Vals =Rng.Value() Data = [] for i in range(Rng.Columns.Count): ColData = [] Data.append(ColData) for j in range(Rng.Rows.Count): ColData.append(Vals[j,i]) return Data
Hello Mike.Thompson Thankyou for your answer
I am unable to get the Excel manager module .how to add that ?
and further here is my code below
RL= DataModel.GetObjectsByType(DataModelObjectCategory.RemoteForce)
RL1 = RL[0]
import clr
import Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel as Excel
workbook = ex.Workbooks.Open(r"C:\FUN\PREPROCESSING_AUTOMATION\ALL_LOADS_H1.xlsx")
ex.Visible = False
C1 = worksheet.Range["A2"].Text
RL1.XComponent.Output.DiscreteValues = [Quantity(str(C1)+' [N]')]from this code I am only able to get a single value of a cell instead I need to enter values from range A1 to A72
Thanks again0 -
Hello Mike.Thompson Thankyou for your answer
I am unable to get the Excel manager module .how to add that ?
and further here is my code below
RL= DataModel.GetObjectsByType(DataModelObjectCategory.RemoteForce)
RL1 = RL[0]
import clr
import Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel as Excel
workbook = ex.Workbooks.Open(r"C:\FUN\PREPROCESSING_AUTOMATION\ALL_LOADS_H1.xlsx")
ex.Visible = False
C1 = worksheet.Range["A2"].Text
RL1.XComponent.Output.DiscreteValues = [Quantity(str(C1)+' [N]')]from this code I am only able to get a single value of a cell instead I need to enter values from range A1 to A72
Thanks again0 -
@Manoj , Make sure you are familiar with the "range" object from general VBA for Excel.
In the python environment you can get a 2D array by this method on a range:Vals =Rng.Value()
See the example below for getting the values as a python list form the 2D array. You can get a 'range' object by a named range, cell row | col integers, or by an address like: Rng=worksheet.Range["A2:A17"]
def GetRangeValues(Rng): Vals =Rng.Value() Data = [] for i in range(Rng.Rows.Count): RowData = [] Data.append(RowData) for j in range(Rng.Columns.Count): RowData.append(Vals[i,j]) return Data