What is the correct method to add lakhs of waypoints on a STKControl3D(Globe) in C#?

I Tried 2 methods, but both of them are really slow in adding waypoints. I have atleast 300000 coordinates.

//   ----  1  ----
this.STKControl3D.Application.ExecuteCommand($"AddWaypoint */Aircraft/Aircraft1 DetTimeFromVel {lat[i]} {lon[i]} {lalt[i]} 200"}; 

//   ----  2  ----
IAgVeWaypointsElement waypoint;
waypoint = propogator.Waypoints.Add();
waypoint.Latitude = lat[i];
waypoint.Longitude = lon[i];
waypoint.Altitude = alt[i];

Both of them are slow. Is there any other method to add waypoints faster?

Also, How to make the track of the aircraft visible?



  • Chris Harrold
    Chris Harrold Member, Administrator, Employee Posts: 183
    100 Comments 5 Answers First Anniversary Ansys Employee

    @Vyshakh99 I noticed your question was sitting for a while and I was going to come nudge someone to come take a look at it, but I am not sure what product/tool you are working in? If you can edit your original post and add a tag for the product to it I will make sure someone gets over to take a look!

  • Vyshakh99
    Vyshakh99 Member Posts: 3
    First Comment
    edited June 2023

    I found a faster method. Loading .e file with all my coordinates populated.

  • Vyshakh99
    Vyshakh99 Member Posts: 3
    First Comment

    Given the high cost of STK, I am currently utilizing a trial version to assess its compatibility with our requirements. During my exploration, I have noticed a scarcity of resources for STK Programming, apart from the provided documentation.