How do I create LS-Dyna analysis system using PyMechanical?

Ayush Kumar
Ayush Kumar Member, Moderator, Employee Posts: 468
100 Answers 250 Likes 100 Comments Second Anniversary
edited June 2023 in Structures

How do I create LS-Dyna analysis system using PyMechanical?


  • Ayush Kumar
    Ayush Kumar Member, Moderator, Employee Posts: 468
    100 Answers 250 Likes 100 Comments Second Anniversary
    """.. _ref_example_07_lsdyna_taylor_bar_example:
    LS-Dyna analysis
    Using supplied files, this example shows how to insert an LS-Dyna analysis
    into a new Mechanical session and execute a sequence of Python scripting
    commands that define and solve the analysis. Deformation results are then reported
    and plastic strain (EPS) animation is exported in the project directory.
    # Download required files
    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    # Download the required files. Print the file path for the geometry file.
    import os
    from ansys.mechanical.core import launch_mechanical
    from ansys.mechanical.core.examples import download_file
    geometry_path = download_file("example_08_Taylor_Bar.agdb", "pymechanical", "00_basic")
    print(f"Downloaded the geometry file to: {geometry_path}")
    # Launch Mechanical
    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    # Launch a new Mechanical session in batch, setting ``cleanup_on_exit`` to
    # ``False``. To close this Mechanical session when finished, this example
    # must call  the ``mechanical.exit()`` method.
    mechanical = launch_mechanical(batch=True, cleanup_on_exit=False)
    # Initialize variable for workflow
    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    # Set the ``part_file_path`` variable on the server for later use.
    # Make this variable compatible for Windows, Linux, and Docker containers.
    project_directory = mechanical.project_directory
    print(f"project directory = {project_directory}")
    project_directory = project_directory.replace("\\", "\\\\")
    # Upload the file to the project directory.
    mechanical.upload(file_name=geometry_path, file_location_destination=project_directory)
    # Build the path relative to project directory.
    base_name = os.path.basename(geometry_path)
    combined_path = os.path.join(project_directory, base_name)
    part_file_path = combined_path.replace("\\", "\\\\")
    # Download required material files
    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    # Download the required file. Print the file path for the material file.
    mat_st_path = download_file("example_08_Taylor_Bar_Mat.xml", "pymechanical", "00_basic")
    print(f"Downloaded the material file to: {mat_st_path}")
    # Upload the file to the project directory.
    mechanical.upload(file_name=mat_st_path, file_location_destination=project_directory)
    # Build the path relative to project directory.
    base_name = os.path.basename(mat_st_path)
    combined_path = os.path.join(project_directory, base_name)
    mat_file_path = combined_path.replace("\\", "\\\\")
    # Verify the path
    result = mechanical.run_python_script("part_file_path")
    print(f"part_file_path on server: {result}")
    mech_act_code = """
    import os
    import json
    # Import Taylor bar geometry
    geometry_import_group = Model.GeometryImportGroup
    geometry_import = geometry_import_group.AddGeometryImport()
    geometry_import_format = Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.GeometryImportPreference.Format.Automatic
    geometry_import.Import(part_file_path, geometry_import_format, None)
    analysis = Model.Analyses[0]
    ExtAPI.Application.ActiveUnitSystem = MechanicalUnitSystem.StandardNMMton
    ExtAPI.Application.ActiveAngleUnit = AngleUnitType.Radian
    MAT = ExtAPI.DataModel.Project.Model.Materials
    # Assign the material
    ExtAPI.DataModel.Project.Model.Geometry.Children[0].Children[0].Material = "Bullet"
    # Add Coordinate system
    cs = Model.CoordinateSystems
    lcs = cs.AddCoordinateSystem()
    lcs.Origin = [10.0, 1.5, -10.0]
    lcs.PrimaryAxis = CoordinateSystemAxisType.PositiveZAxis
    lcs.PrimaryAxisDefineBy = CoordinateSystemAlignmentType.GlobalY
    lcs.OriginDefineBy = CoordinateSystemAlignmentType.Fixed
    solver  = analysis.Solver
    solver.Properties['Step Controls/Endtime'].Value = 3.0E-5
    # Add Rigid Wall
    rigid_wall = analysis.CreateLoadObject("Rigid Wall", "LSDYNA")
    rigid_wall.Properties["Coordinate System"].Value = lcs.ObjectId
    # Adding initial velocity
    ic = ExtAPI.DataModel.GetObjectsByName("Initial Conditions")[0]
    vel = ic.InsertVelocity()
    selection = ExtAPI.SelectionManager.CreateSelectionInfo(SelectionTypeEnum.GeometryEntities)
    selection.Ids = [ExtAPI.DataModel.GeoData.Assemblies[0].Parts[0].Bodies[0].Id]
    vel.Location = selection
    vel.DefineBy = LoadDefineBy.Components
    vel.YComponent = Quantity(-280000, ExtAPI.DataModel.CurrentUnitFromQuantityName("Velocity"))
    # By default quadratic element order in Mechanical - LSDyna supports only Linear
    mesh = ExtAPI.DataModel.GetObjectsByName("Mesh")[0]
    mesh.ElementOrder = ElementOrder.Linear
    mesh.ElementSize = Quantity(0.5, "mm")
    # Solve
    # Post-processing
    eps = analysis.Solution.AddUserDefinedResult()
    eps.Expression = "EPS"
    eps_max = eps.Maximum
    eps_min = eps.Minimum
    # Set Camera
    Graphics.Camera.FocalPoint = Point([9.0521184381880495,
                                        -11.52925245328758], 'mm')
    Graphics.Camera.ViewVector = Vector3D(0.5358281613965048,
    Graphics.Camera.UpVector = Vector3D(-0.59927496479653264,
    Graphics.Camera.SceneHeight = Quantity(14.66592829617538, 'mm')
    Graphics.Camera.SceneWidth = Quantity(8.4673776497126063, 'mm')
    # Set Scale factor
    true_scale = MechanicalEnums.Graphics.DeformationScaling.True
    Graphics.ViewOptions.ResultPreference.DeformationScaling = true_scale
    Graphics.ViewOptions.ResultPreference.DeformationScaleMultiplier = 1
    # Export an animation
    anim_file_path = os.path.join(project_directory, "taylor_bar.avi")
                        Ansys.Mechanical.Graphics.AnimationExportSettings(2000.0, 1000.0))
    dir_deformation_details = {
    "Minimum": str(eps_max),
    "Maximum": str(eps_min)
    output = mechanical.run_python_script(mech_act_code)
    # Download output file from solve and print contents
    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    # Download the ``solve.out`` file from the server to the current working
    # directory and print the contents. Remove the ``solve.out`` file.
    def get_solve_out_path(mechanical):
        solve_out_path = ""
        for file_path in mechanical.list_files():
            if file_path.find("solve.out") != -1:
                solve_out_path = file_path
        return solve_out_path
    def write_file_contents_to_console(path):
        with open(path, "rt") as file:
            for line in file:
                print(line, end="")
    solve_out_path = get_solve_out_path(mechanical)
    if solve_out_path != "":
        current_working_directory = os.getcwd()
        local_file_path_list =
            solve_out_path, target_dir=current_working_directory
        solve_out_local_path = local_file_path_list[0]
        print(f"Local solve.out path : {solve_out_local_path}")
    # Close Mechanical
    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    # Close the Mechanical instance.