Get the top 10% of the results from an analysis

Member, Employee Posts: 6

How to get the average value for the top 10% ranked output value for a predefined Named Selection? In post processing, it would take only the 10% top ranked output value (e.g. NLPLWK) in a predefined Named Selection (Mesh,Nodes,Face) and plot it. Then it would calculate the average of those 10% shorted values with their corresponding node without including the max value as it may be an outlier.
name = 'Udres' udrExpressionName = 'NLELWK' try: DataModel.GetObjectsByName(name)[0].Delete() except: pass ns ='Selection' # store link to solution solu=ExtAPI.DataModel.Project.Model.Analyses[0].Solution # add UDR newUDR = solu.AddUserDefinedResult() newUDR.Name = name newUDR.ScopingMethod = GeometryDefineByType.Component newUDR.Location = DataModel.GetObjectsByName(ns)[0] newUDR.Expression= udrExpressionName newUDR.EvaluateAllResults() udr = ExtAPI.DataModel.GetObjectsByName(name)[0] # get the result nodes = udr.PlotData['Node'] # get the nodal scope for the result results = [value for value in udr.PlotData['Values']] # get the nodal results for result,node in zip(results,nodes): nomax.append([result,node]) shortList = [[i[0],i[1]] for i in (nomax)] #plotNodes = [str(i[0]) for i in shortList][1:-1] res=sorted(shortList) myres=res[(len(res)-int(0.1*len(res))):(len(res)-1)] a = [i[0] for i in myres ] b=sum(a) c= len(a) average = b/c print (average) plotNodes = '' for i in myres: plotNodes = plotNodes + str( i[1]) + ',' plotNodes = plotNodes[:-1] # remove last comma # reset plot newUDR.ClearGeneratedData() newUDR.ScopingMethod = GeometryDefineByType.ResultFileItem newUDR.ItemType = ResultFileItemType.NodeIDs # create string of plot nodes newUDR.SolverComponentIDs = plotNodes newUDR.EvaluateAllResults()
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