Error Installing/running PyAEDT for AEDT 23R1

Abhi_SimuTech Member Posts: 6
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Recently I tried to install PyAEDT from the "PyAEDT Installer Python file" from PyAnsys Website as shown in attached Capture1. But I see errors as in Captures 4 when I try to run a/ny code in Jupyter. Also (from Captures 2 & 3), it seems like PyAEDT may not have installed properly for 23R1 on my machine .

Could you see what might be the issue and how to resolve this!


Best Answer

  • Abhi_SimuTech
    Abhi_SimuTech Member Posts: 6
    First Comment
    Answer ✓

    It turned out that for 23R1 there was a thing that after you install PyAEDT there are certain (two) DLLs that you need to delete otherwise it would give the errors i was seeing and won't be able to run PyAEDT.

    Thanks to Ansys support for helping me find it.
