Find the maximum value in a field AND corresponding scoping ID
Jim Kosloski
Member, Employee Posts: 24
Hello Jim, I think in the example: end there is are a few lines to show how to get max and Ids of the field.
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Example how to do this in the mechanical scripting window with dpf. The example is von mises stress, but you can change that line to any result.
import mech_dpf import Ans.DataProcessing as dpf #Result Data analysis1 = ExtAPI.DataModel.Project.Model.Analyses[0] dataSource = dpf.DataSources(analysis1.Solution.ResultFilePath) #model my_model = dpf.Model(analysis1.Solution.ResultFilePath) #my mesh my_mesh = my_model.Mesh #time scoping my_time_scoping = 1 #Time list timelist = dpf.operators.metadata.time_freq_provider(data_sources=dataSource).outputs.gettime_freq_support().TimeFreqs.Data result_fc = dpf.operators.result.stress_von_mises(time_scoping=my_time_scoping,data_sources=dataSource).outputs.fields_container.GetData() result_field = result_fc[0] max_min_op = dpf.operators.min_max.min_max(field=result_field) max_id = max_min_op.outputs.field_max.GetData().ScopingIds max_value = max_min_op.outputs.field_max.GetData().Data min_id = max_min_op.outputs.field_min.GetData().ScopingIds min_value = max_min_op.outputs.field_min.GetData().Data max_result = [max_id[0],max_value[0]] min_result = [min_id[0],min_value[0]] print(max_result) print(min_result)