How can i implement a new material ?

I have programmed a composite material in Python, where I calculated the stiffness and mass matrices, and I want to run it through ansys for modal analysis.
I have seen it in PyMAPDL, but could not find anything helpful.
Is there a way to have a subroutine to program my own Stiffness and mas matrix and implement it into Ansys for Modal analysis?
Hi @job Do you have a entire stiffness and mass matrix from the model? Or is this a stiffness and mass matrix of one element and you mean to build a whole finite element model with the single element representation that you have?
My guess is that you have the entire stiffness and mass matrices - then the next question would be in which format? Numpy array? Python list? Something else? If NumPy/SciPy then you can use the PyMAPDL Math Matrix function to create a PyMAPDL matrix from the array:
Do that for the K & M matrices. Then use the EIGS functionality:
The PyAnsys family now includes 'PyAnsys Math'. It is pretty new and for now is basically the APDL Math functionality of MAPDL (and the MapdlMath module of PyMAPDL).