How to obtain the return value of "GeometryCheckAndAutofix()" function by non-GUI mode?
Could you help to provide relative solution to obtain the return value of "GeometryCheckAndAutofix()" function by non-GUI mode?
The execution result of "GeometryCheckAndAutofix()" function is not recorded in the log by non-GUI mode.
I also try to use "oDesktop.GetMessages(project_name, design_name, level=0/1/2/3)" to get the result of GeometryCheckAndAutofix() from message window.
And I clear the old message from window before do geometry check.
It is success to get return value in GUI mode but not work in non-GUI mode (batch mode)
There are additional information about this question:
1) HFSS 3D Layout Version:
2021R2 linux
2) Batch command:
ansysedt -feature=beta -ng -runscriptandexit
3) GeometryCheckAndAutofix() in
"DC-Short Errors"
], "minimum_area_meters_squared:=", 2E-06,