How to modify the color property of beams and surfaces from script
Member Posts: 5
in 3D Design
I'm using SpaceClaim 2021 R1 with python interpreter V19
I need to change the color property of beams and surfaces, in particular beams, but I couldn't find a way.
I tried recording the operation to get the snippet code but, when I change the color, it doesn't record anything.
I hope someone have already found out a way
Hi Riccardo,
Below is a script to color beam and surface bodies. (same color if same cross section for beams, same color if same thickness for surfaces).
Python Script, API Version = V19
from SpaceClaim.Api.V19 import PartType beam_profiles = {} thickness = {} color=[ColorHelper.Magenta,ColorHelper.Blue,ColorHelper.Cyan,ColorHelper.Red,ColorHelper.Azure] # Il faut au minimum autant de couleurs dans la liste que d'épaisseur ou de profil différent ######## BEAM ######## i=0 for item in GetRootPart().Components: part = item.Content.GetMaster() if part.Type == PartType.BeamProfile: beam_profiles[part]=color[i] i+=1 for beam in GetRootPart().GetDescendants[IBeam](): ColorHelper.SetColor(Selection.Create(beam), SetColorOptions(), beam_profiles.get(beam.GetMaster().SectionSource)) ######### BEAM2 ######## #i=0 #for beam in GetRootPart().GetDescendants[IBeam](): # sect=beam.GetMaster().SectionSource # if beam_profiles.has_key(sect)==False: # beam_profiles[sect]=color[i] # i+=1 # ColorHelper.SetColor(Selection.Create(beam), SetColorOptions(), beam_profiles.get(beam.GetMaster().SectionSource)) ######## SURFACE ######## i=0 for body in GetRootPart().GetAllBodies(): if body.Master.Shape.IsClosed==False: #ne fonctionne que si tous les corps sont placés dans des components thick=body.GetMidSurfaceAspect().GetThickness() if thickness.has_key(thick)==False: thickness[thick]=color[i] i+=1 ColorHelper.SetColor(Selection.Create(body), SetColorOptions(), thickness.get(thick))
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