How to Get Your Forum Post Published on the Developer Portal

James Derrick
James Derrick Administrator, Employee Posts: 303
Ancient Membership 100 Comments 100 Likes 25 Answers
edited September 2023 in Announcements

The process as of 12th September 2023

So, you've written a really great Developer Forum post, or perhaps you've seen one and think it could be an article on the Developer Portal. How do you get it from here to there?

It's pretty simple.

  1. Tag me, @James Derrick, @Chris Harrold, or @Josh McLeod (or all of us!) under the post in question
  2. One of the team will review the content and discuss publishing it privately with you in DMs, or emails if you prefer
  3. Developer Portal articles are written in Markdown format
    • We can provide templates if needed
    • If your post needs fleshing out and/or expanding on we will discuss that with you
  4. Convert the images to .webp format
  5. Once your final copy is submitted we will do a final review of the article and pass it to our editors.
  6. Once you have done a final check, it is queued up for publication.