Is it possible to retrieve nodal moments for shells using Mechanical Scripting with dpf?

With Mechanical Scripting it is possible to get nodal forces using the command dpf.operators.result.element_nodal_forces()
I would like to retrieve the nodal moments (so not forces) for nodes of shell181 elements. When the operator dpf.operators.result.nodal_moment() is used an error is received:
Source operator "mapdl::rst::M" not found>
Trying to get the desired result by using the User Defined Result in Mechanical results in the error:
The result data for SMISC5 is not contained in the result file.
when the Expression is smisc5.
When the expression is ENMOZ a result is returned.
Is the operator dpf.operators.result.nodal_moment() equal to the UDR with Expression = SMISC5 and is this result not available using dpf in Mechanical? If so: how can the result for Expression ENMOZ be reproduced using dpf?
My current code is:
import mech_dpf import Ans.DataProcessing as dpf mech_dpf.setExtAPI(ExtAPI) an1=ExtAPI.DataModel.AnalysisByName(ExtAPI.DataModel.AnalysisNames[0]) rstFile=an1.WorkingDir+'file.rst' model = dpf.Model(rstFile) N_time = model.TimeFreqSupport.NumberSets print('Nr of time steps: '+N_time.ToString()+'\n') dataSource = dpf.DataSources(rstFile) #Retrieve all time steps timeProv= dpf.operators.metadata.time_freq_provider() timeProv.inputs.data_sources.Connect(dataSource) allTimeFreq=timeProv.outputs.time_freq_support.GetData() #List available named selections print(model.AvailableNamedSelections) #Create scoping for specific Named Selection op=dpf.operators.scoping.on_named_selection(named_selection_name='WELD_NODES',data_sources=dataSource) my_scoping1=op.outputs.getmesh_scoping() #Retrieve nodal forces nf_op=dpf.operators.result.element_nodal_forces() nf_op.inputs.time_scoping.Connect(list(allTimeFreq.TimeFreqs.Data)) nf_op.inputs.mesh_scoping.Connect(my_scoping1) nf_op.inputs.data_sources.Connect(dataSource) a=nf_op.outputs.fields_container.GetData() print(a[0].Data) #retrieve nodal moments # # Returns: M:466<-Source operator "mapdl::rst::M" not found # # Note: a User Defined Result in Mechanical with SMISC4 returns: The result data for SMISC4 is not contained in the result file. # a User Defined Result in Mechanical with MX or MVECTORS does return values # nm_op=dpf.operators.result.nodal_moment() nm_op.inputs.time_scoping.Connect(list(allTimeFreq.TimeFreqs.Data)) nm_op.inputs.mesh_scoping.Connect(my_scoping1) nm_op.inputs.data_sources.Connect(dataSource) b=nm_op.outputs.fields_container.GetData() print(b[0].Data)
@Ramdane - a DPF question that could use your expert eye!
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I met the same problem, have you find any solution ? if don't, i think pymapdl with "FSUM" APDL command is a better choice.