Transfer convection coefficient and ambient temperature data from csv to Mechanical via PyMechanical

Rohith Patchigolla
Rohith Patchigolla Member, Moderator, Employee Posts: 218
100 Comments 25 Answers Second Anniversary 25 Likes

I have data in csv and want to replace the convection coeff and ambient temperatures of convection boundary conditions in my mechanical model with the values in csv. How can I do this in PyMechanical?


  • Rohith Patchigolla
    Rohith Patchigolla Member, Moderator, Employee Posts: 218
    100 Comments 25 Answers Second Anniversary 25 Likes
    edited October 2023

    You can use PyMechanical to,

    • Open an existing mechdat file (one can export mechdat from Mechanical --> File --> Export)
    • Read in inputs (say from csv) using csv Module
    • Replace the boundary condition inputs from the inputs from csv
    • Save this modified mechanical model as a new mechdat

    Attached is a simple PyMechanical (Remote Session) Script to do the same in 2023R2.

    import os
    import ansys.mechanical.core as pymechanical
    from ansys.mechanical.core import find_mechanical
    wb_exe = find_mechanical(232)[0]
    UserDir = r"D:\Cases\26832"
    commandFileName = r""
    commandFilePath = os.path.join(UserDir,commandFileName)
    mechanical = pymechanical.launch_mechanical(exec_file=wb_exe, batch=False)

    The above script needs the file "", which has the below script. This script reads in the csv file (whose data is pasted at the end) which has Convection Object name, Film Coefficient, Film Coeff unit, Ambient Temperature and Ambient Temperature unit data for multiple Convection boundary conditions. Then based on Convection name in the csv it finds the corresponding convection object in the analysis and replaces the inputs (Film Coefficient, Ambient Temperature - constant values i.e. not tabular) for this convection object. Then it exports the modified mechdat (to verify).

    import os
    import csv
    filenameMechDb = r"MECHinput.mechdat"
    filepath = r"D:\Cases\26832"
    filepathMechDb = os.path.join(filepath,filenameMechDb)
    filenameCSV = r"Convection_Data.csv"
    filepathCSV = os.path.join(filepath,filenameCSV)
    fileNew = r"MECHinput_modified.mechdat"
    fileNewPath = os.path.join(filepath,fileNew)
    convData = []
    with open(filepathCSV, 'r') as csvfile:
        csv_reader = csv.reader(csvfile)
        for row in csv_reader:
            convName = row[0]
            convFCVal = row[1]
            convFCUnit = row[2]
            convATVal = row[3]
            convATUnit = row[4]
            convData.append([convName, convFCVal, convFCUnit, convATVal, convATUnit])
    for i in range(len(convData)):
        ConvObj = DataModel.GetObjectsByName(convData[i][0])[0]
        lastIndexConv = ConvObj.FilmCoefficient.Output.DiscreteValueCount-1
        lastIndexAT = ConvObj.AmbientTemperature.Output.DiscreteValueCount-1
        ConvObj.FilmCoefficient.Output.SetDiscreteValue(lastIndexConv, Quantity(float(convData[i][1]), convData[i][2]))
        ConvObj.AmbientTemperature.Output.SetDiscreteValue(lastIndexConv, Quantity(float(convData[i][3]), convData[i][4]))

    csv Data:

    Convection_out1, 0.0003, W mm^-1 mm^-1 C^-1, 726.85, C,
    Convection_in1, 0.0003, W mm^-1 mm^-1 C^-1, 14.85, C,
    Convection_in2, 0.000301, W mm^-1 mm^-1 C^-1, 15.85, C,
    Convection_in3, 0.000302, W mm^-1 mm^-1 C^-1, 16.85, C,
    Convection_in4, 0.000303, W mm^-1 mm^-1 C^-1, 26.85, C,
    Convection_in5, 0.000304, W mm^-1 mm^-1 C^-1, 27.85, C,
    Convection_in6, 0.000305, W mm^-1 mm^-1 C^-1, 28.85, C,
    Convection_hole1, 0.0002, W mm^-1 mm^-1 C^-1, 14.85, C,
    Convection_hole2, 0.000201, W mm^-1 mm^-1 C^-1, 15.85, C,
    Convection_hole3, 0.000202, W mm^-1 mm^-1 C^-1, 16.85, C,
    Convection_hole4, 0.000204, W mm^-1 mm^-1 C^-1, 26.85, C,
    Convection_hole5, 0.000205, W mm^-1 mm^-1 C^-1, 27.85, C,
    Convection_hole1 2, 0.000206, W mm^-1 mm^-1 C^-1, 28.85, C,
    Convection_hole2 2, 0.000207, W mm^-1 mm^-1 C^-1, 29.85, C,
    Convection_hole3 2, 0.000208, W mm^-1 mm^-1 C^-1, 30.85, C,
    Convection_hole4 2, 0.000209, W mm^-1 mm^-1 C^-1, 31.85, C,
    Convection_hole5 2, 0.00038, W mm^-1 mm^-1 C^-1, 32.85, C,

  • Rohith Patchigolla
    Rohith Patchigolla Member, Moderator, Employee Posts: 218
    100 Comments 25 Answers Second Anniversary 25 Likes

    The same can also be done via Embedded option as shown below.

    import os
    import logging
    import csv
    from ansys.mechanical.core import App
    from ansys.mechanical.core.embedding.logger import (Configuration,Logger)
    app = App(version=232)
    # Extract the global API entry points (available from built-in Mechanical scripting)
    from ansys.mechanical.core import global_variables
    # Merge them into your Python global variables
    filenameMechDb = r"MECHinput.mechdat"
    filepath = r"D:\Cases\26832"
    filepathMechDb = os.path.join(filepath,filenameMechDb)
    filenameCSV = r"Convection_Data.csv"
    filepathCSV = os.path.join(filepath,filenameCSV)
    fileNew = r"MECHinput_modified2.mechdat"
    fileNewPath = os.path.join(filepath,fileNew)
    convData = []
    with open(filepathCSV, 'r') as csvfile:
        csv_reader = csv.reader(csvfile)
        for row in csv_reader:
            convName = row[0]
            convFCVal = row[1]
            convFCUnit = row[2]
            convATVal = row[3]
            convATUnit = row[4]
            convData.append([convName, convFCVal, convFCUnit, convATVal, convATUnit])
    for i in range(len(convData)):
        ConvObj = DataModel.GetObjectsByName(convData[i][0])[0]
        lastIndexConv = ConvObj.FilmCoefficient.Output.DiscreteValueCount-1
        lastIndexAT = ConvObj.AmbientTemperature.Output.DiscreteValueCount-1
        ConvObj.FilmCoefficient.Output.SetDiscreteValue(lastIndexConv, Quantity(float(convData[i][1]), convData[i][2]))
        ConvObj.AmbientTemperature.Output.SetDiscreteValue(lastIndexConv, Quantity(float(convData[i][3]), convData[i][4]))