Extract eigen values and eigen vectors from d3eigv files in pydpf
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from ansys.dpf import core as dpf import pandas as pd import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from pxr import Vt # Load the datasource from a d3eigv file # only the first d3eigv file need to be loaded ds = dpf.DataSources() ds.set_result_file_path(r'\path\to\file\d3eigv', 'd3plot') model = dpf.Model(ds) print(model) # Extract displacements for all Load steps from d3eigv U = model.results.displacement.on_all_time_freqs.eval() # Get the displacement field for a desired loadstep # Here 7 refers to the 7th loadstep in d3eigv print(U) u = U.get_field({'time': 6}) """ # Plot the extracted state # Get the camera position once so as to set the view cpos = u.plot(deform_by=u,show_edges=False, screenshot=r'\path\to\image\state7.png', off_screen=False, return_cpos=True) print(cpos) """ cpos = [(-8739.018807515353, 4113.571013794808, 2869.855509287625), (-2424.0205557548243, -648.3712183048058, 229.55202115622455), (0.23537139638660276, -0.21357474711933727, 0.9481487927303034)] cpos = u.plot(deform_by=u,show_edges=False, screenshot=r'\path\to\image\state7.png', off_screen=True, return_cpos=False,cpos=cpos) # Extract the x,y,z displacements from this loadstep disp = u.data # Convert that to a pandas dataframe of numpy ararys df = pd.DataFrame({'NodID':np.array(u.scoping.ids), 'x-disp':disp[:,0],'y-disp':disp[:,1], 'z-disp':disp[:,2]}) print(df.head()) # Convert the displacements to VtArray def convert_np_to_vt(my_array: np.ndarray) -> Vt.Vec3fArray: return Vt.Vec3fArray.FromNumpy(my_array) from_numpy: Vt.Vec3fArray = convert_np_to_vt(disp) print(from_numpy[:5])