In Mechanical scripting, how can I run APDL using the same license as Mechanical?
In Mechanical scripting, I am using the RunAnsys() to do some custom post-processing in MAPDL. However RunAnsys() is looking for a license that I do not have.
Best Answer
First define a dictionary to convert license name to increment name:
ProductArgDict = {'ANSYS Mechanical Pro':'mech_1'} ProductArgDict.Add('ANSYS Mechanical Premium','mech_2') ProductArgDict.Add('ANSYS Mechanical Enterprise','ansys') ProductArgDict.Add('ANSYS Mechanical Enterprise PrepPost','preppost') ProductArgDict.Add('ANSYS Mechanical Enterprise Solver','meba')
Get the current license name:
commandText = "var x=WB.ProductName\n" commandText += "returnFromScript(x)" ProductName = ExtAPI.Application.ScriptByName("jscript").ExecuteCommand(commandText).Replace('Ansys','ANSYS')
Finally, pass the license name to RunANSYS() command:
postLicenseMAPDL = ProductArgDict[ProductName] commandlinestring = " -j " + fileId + " -b nolist -p " + postLicenseMAPDL + " -i " + datFile + " -o " + outFile ansys.RunANSYS(ExtAPI,commandlinestring,runDir=dirName,exelocation=None,minimized=True,hidden=True,unlockLicense=True)
Due to the name change in the products from "ANSYS" to "Ansys" this script included a "Replace" to cope with both the old and new product names.
The "commandlinestring" contains a variable "fileId" for the job name, this should not be "file".
The "datFile" is the input file name usually created in the working directory specified by "dirName" and should not be "ds.dat".
The "outFile" is the output file name, this should not be "solve.out".1