Centre of Gravity - Mechanical Script

Erik Kostson
Member, Moderator, Employee Posts: 287
How can I get the centre of gravity of an assembly of parts using scripting inside mechanical?
We can take this very nice script here (https://discuss.ansys.com/discussion/423/extract-mass-per-body-through-scripting), and add the following to calculate the Centre of Gravity in x (cogx), y (cogy) and z (cogz):
#add at the top and before main loop (constant declaration) sumt=0 summx=0 cogx=0 summy=0 cogy=0 summz=0 cogz=0 ##add inisde main loop sumt=sumt+bodyMassValue summx=summx+bodyCentroidXValue*bodyMassValue summy=summy+bodyCentroidYValue*bodyMassValue summz=summz+bodyCentroidZValue*bodyMassValue #add outside loop and at the end cogx=summx/sumt cogy=summy/sumt cogz=summz/sumt
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