Example of meshing in SpaceClaim with script

M Member, Employee Posts: 244
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edited December 2023 in General Language Questions

This was a demo for a company that produces pcbs. The geometry is generated, projected onto each other and then meshed.
Could use some improvement.

# Create a very simple model
x = [200, 180, 180, 180,100]
z = [10 ,   1,   1,   1, 3]
startHeight = 0 
for i in range(len(x)):
    blockName = 'B'+str(i)
    selection = Selection.CreateByNames('Solid')
    result = RenameObject.Execute(selection,blockName)
    result = ComponentHelper.MoveBodiesToComponent(selection)
    selection= Selection.CreateByNames('Component1')
    result = RenameObject.Execute(selection,"B1")
    startHeight= startHeight+z[i]

options = ShareTopologyOptions()
options.Tolerance = MM(0.2)
result = ShareTopology.FindAndFix(options)

myBodyDims = []
for body in GetRootPart().GetAllBodies():
    x,y,z = body.Shape.GetExtremePoint(Direction.DirX,Direction.DirY,Direction.DirZ)
    vol = body.Shape.Volume
    myBodyDims.append([body.GetName(), x, y, z, vol])
myBodyDims = sorted(myBodyDims, key = lambda x: int(x[3]))

myFaces = {}
for i in range(len(myBodyDims)):
    comp =  GetRootPart().GetComponents(myBodyDims[i][0])[0]
    bod = comp.GetAllBodies()[0]
    for face in bod.Faces:
        faceBoxCenter = face.Shape.GetBoundingBox(Matrix.Identity).Center[2]
        if faceBoxCenter == myBodyDims[i][3]:
            myFaces[myBodyDims[i][0]] = face#.Edges
#        if faceBoxCenter == 0:
#            print('bottom found')
#            myFaces['Bottom'] = face

## Project across bodies starting top to bottom ## 
tempData = []   
for a in myBodyDims[::-1]:
    t = str(a[1]) + str(a[2])+str(a[4])
    if t not in tempData:
        options = ProjectToSolidOptions()
        options.ProjectThroughSolids = True
        selection = Selection.Create(myFaces[a[0]])
        target = Selection.Empty()
        direction = Selection.Create(GetRootPart())
        result = ProjectToSolid.Execute(selection, target, direction, options)

# Create/Edit Mesh
options = CreateMeshOptions()
options.SolidElementShape = ElementShapeType.Hexahedral
options.SurfaceElementShape = ElementShapeType.AllQuad
options.BlockingType = BlockingDecompositionType.Standard
options.ElementSize = MM(1)
options.MeshBasedDefeaturing = MeshBasedDefeaturingType.AutomaticallyDetermined
options.DefeatureSize = MM(0.0423407914095556)
options.ConnectTolerance = 0.02
options.GrowthRate = 1.8
options.MidsideNodes = MidsideNodesType.BasedOnPhysics
options.BlockMaterialOption = BlockMaterialOptionType.Body
#bodySelection = Selection.Create(Body1, Body2, Body3, Body4, Body5, Body6)
bodySelection = Selection.SelectAll()
sweepFaceSelection = Selection.Empty()
result = CreateMesh.Execute(bodySelection, sweepFaceSelection, options)
# EndBlock