3D export options

In SIwave, in 3D export options, there is an option to "ignore cutouts with area less than ...".
Now, I want to use this option in PYAEDT for the export of edb to q3d. How can I activate it?
Best Answer
Here is the answer:
Create a file named as options.config, and place it in the export folder. Define 3D export options in options.config. Please refer to Siwave Scripting Guide.pdf for keywords. (search ScrSetOptionsFor3DModelExport)
Then you can export 3D Model by below method.
edb.export_q3d("c:/export_folder")You can find Siwave Scripting Guide.pdf on the webpage or in the installation folder
C:\Program Files\AnsysEM\v241\Win64\Help\SIwave.The following keywords are relevant for this matter:
MIN_PLANE_AREA 80 %change the value based on what you need
MIN_HOLE_AREA 80 %change the value based on what you need0
@Massimo can you provide some guidance on if this is possible?