How can I create Mesh scoping for individual bodies in an assembly of a MAPDL result file using DPF?

Ayush Kumar
Ayush Kumar Member, Moderator, Employee Posts: 472
100 Answers 250 Likes 100 Comments Second Anniversary
edited January 2024 in Structures

How can I create Mesh scoping for individual bodies in an assembly of a MAPDL result file using DPF?



  • Ayush Kumar
    Ayush Kumar Member, Moderator, Employee Posts: 472
    100 Answers 250 Likes 100 Comments Second Anniversary
    edited January 2024

    Part IDs can't be scoped directly. We need to scope based on the mapdl_element_type property and and then split it further using mat property. Example below:

    import os
    from ansys.dpf import core as dpf
    from ansys.dpf.core.plotter import DpfPlotter
    out_path = r"\PATH\TO\RST"
    rst_path = os.path.join(out_path, "file.rst")
    ds = dpf.DataSources(rst_path)
    model = dpf.Model(ds)
    mesh = model.metadata.meshed_region
    # SHELL181
    scope_op = dpf.operators.scoping.on_property(requested_location="Elemental",
    scoping = scope_op.outputs.mesh_scoping()
    mesh_scoping_op = dpf.operators.scoping.split_on_property_type(mesh_scoping=scoping, mesh=mesh, label1="mat")
    mesh_scoping = mesh_scoping_op.outputs.mesh_scoping.get_data()