Difference between mesh operators

Mike.Thompson Member, Employee Posts: 382
25 Answers 100 Comments Second Anniversary 25 Likes

What is the difference between these operators. They both seem to take a mesh region and create a new mesh region based on a mesh scoping.




  • Chris Harrold
    Chris Harrold Member, Administrator, Employee Posts: 183
    100 Comments 5 Answers First Anniversary Ansys Employee

    @Ramdane - can you assist with this question?

  • Ramdane
    Ramdane Member, Employee Posts: 14
    Second Anniversary 10 Comments Ansys Employee Name Dropper

    @Mike.Thompson , I agree that we need to update the docs for both operators. Both operators allow to create a sub mesh from a given mesh and a scoping.
    "mesh_extraction" operator allows to create a submesh and also enables to specify in input pin 2 number of layers the can be used to extend the input scoping. Let say if you give one element as a scoping at pin 1 and 3 (layers) at pin 2. then we first extend the selection (1 element in this example) to 3 layers of neighbors. then create a submesh with it.

    "from_scoping" operator allows also to create a sub mesh from an input mesh + a scoping. In addition it allows to request to only create a mesh only as a nodes cloud. It allows also to have all the definitions of the base mesh if they exist, like for example element materials, mapdl element types, ...

    @Paul Profizi , we need to update the doc for these operators.