Optimization example using PyMAPDL and SciPy Optimize library
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Below is a PyMAPDL example using FLUID218 elements (3D Hydrodynamic Bearing Element) on how you could find an optimized Inputs (Shaft center X and Y location) for a preferred FLUID forces in X and Y directions.
Please refer FLUID218 Documentation below
The first step in optimization is formulating an objective function, in this case the function named extract_fluid_forces is evaluated by using PyMAPDL
scipy.optimize ,minimize is used for optimization .please refer the documentation for it below:
Example code below
# Import necessary libraries import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from ansys.dpf import core as dpf from scipy.optimize import minimize from ansys.mapdl.core import launch_mapdl # Define the path to the result file rstpath = r"D:\apdl\test\file.rst" # Launch MAPDL with specified run location and number of processors mapdl = launch_mapdl(run_location=r"D:\apdl\test",nproc=1,override=True) mapdl.clear("All") mapdl.prep7() mapdl.et('', 'FLUID218') mapdl.mp(lab='VISC', mat='1', c0='0.135') mapdl.mp(lab='DENS', mat='1', c0='910') mapdl.r(nset='1', r1='0', r2='10') mapdl.cyl4(xcenter='', ycenter='', rad1='10', theta1='0', rad2='', theta2='90', depth='50') mapdl.cyl4(xcenter='', ycenter='', rad1='10', theta1='90', rad2='', theta2='180', depth='50') mapdl.cyl4(xcenter='', ycenter='', rad1='10', theta1='180', rad2='', theta2='270', depth='50') mapdl.cyl4(xcenter='', ycenter='', rad1='10', theta1='270', rad2='', theta2='360', depth='50') mapdl.vdele(nv1='ALL', nv2='', ninc='', kswp='0') mapdl.run('CSYS,1') mapdl.asel('U', 'LOC', 'X', 9, 10) mapdl.adele('ALL') mapdl.allsel() mapdl.mshape(0, '2D') mapdl.mshkey(1) mapdl.lesize('ALL', size='', angsiz='', ndiv=20) mapdl.amesh('ALL') mapdl.eplot() mapdl.nummrg('ALL') clearance = 0.1 mapdl.rmodif(1, 8, clearance) mapdl.rmodif(1, 9, clearance) mapdl.rmodif(1, 10, clearance) mapdl.rmodif(1, 11, clearance) mapdl.nsel('S', 'LOC', 'Z', '', 0) mapdl.d('ALL', 'PRES', 0) mapdl.allsel() mapdl.nsel('S', 'LOC', 'Z', 50, 50) mapdl.d('ALL', 'PRES', 100) mapdl.nsel('S', 'LOC', 'Y', -20, 20) mapdl.d('ALL', 'PRES', 100) mapdl.nsel('S', 'LOC', 'Y', 160, 200) mapdl.d('ALL', 'PRES', 100) mapdl.allsel() mapdl.omega('', '', 10) mapdl.finish() # Define a function to extract fluid forces def extract_fluid_forces(xoffset,yoffset): mapdl.prep7() mapdl.rmodif(1, 3,xoffset) mapdl.rmodif(1, 4,yoffset) mapdl.solution() mapdl.solve() # data source my_data_sources = dpf.DataSources(rstpath) # model my_model = dpf.Model(rstpath) # mesh my_mesh = my_model.metadata.meshed_region # Field Containers at all mesh # Get result operator result_operator = dpf.operators.result.__getattribute__("nmisc") result_field_container = result_operator( time_scoping=[1], data_sources=my_data_sources, mesh=my_mesh,item_index=11 ).outputs.fields_container.get_data() # First Field usually field corresponding to first time scoping resultfield = result_field_container[0] FXTOTAL=sum(resultfield.data_as_list) result_field_container = result_operator( time_scoping=[1], data_sources=my_data_sources, mesh=my_mesh,item_index=12 ).outputs.fields_container.get_data() # First Field usually field corresponding to first time scoping resultfield = result_field_container[0] FYTOTAL=sum(resultfield.data_as_list) fluid_forces = np.array([FXTOTAL,FYTOTAL]) #plt.bar(range(len(fluid_forces)), fluid_forces) return fluid_forces # preferred forces preferred_fx = 10000 # replace with your preferred FXtotal preferred_fy = 90000 # replace with your preferred FYtotal # Define objective function def objective(offsets): try: [fx, fy] = extract_fluid_forces(offsets[0],offsets[1]) return (((fx - preferred_fx)**2 + (fy - preferred_fy)**2)) except: # catch all exceptions return 9E50 # return a large value # initial guess for x and y offsets x0 = [0.0,0.0] # Minimize the objective function result = minimize(objective, x0,method='nelder-mead',options={'maxfev':1000,'maxiter':1000,'disp': True,'fatol' : 1e-10, 'xatol' : 1e-4}) # Get the optimized x and y offsets x, y = result.x fx,fy = extract_fluid_forces(x, y) # Exit MAPDL mapdl.exit() # Print the optimized values print("Optimized X and Y Offsets are %f and %f"%(x,y)) print("The Fx,Fy forces at these X and Y offsets are %f and %f "%(fx,fy)) # Define the labels for the bars labels = ['FX', 'FY'] # Create a figure and a set of subplots fig, ax = plt.subplots() # Define the width of the bars width = 0.35 # Define the positions for the groups of bars x = np.arange(len(labels)) # Plot the preferred and obtained values as bars next to each other ax.bar(x - width/2, [preferred_fx,preferred_fy], width, label='Preferred') ax.bar(x + width/2, [fx,fy], width, label='optimized') # Add some text for labels, title and custom x-axis tick labels, etc. ax.set_ylabel('Values') ax.set_title('Preferred and Obtained Values of FX and FY') ax.set_xticks(x) ax.set_xticklabels(labels) ax.legend() # Display the plot plt.show()
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