pyansys line identification and boundary synchronization

Hello there,
I am quite new to ansys mapdl but have some challenging ambitions. I would be more than happy if somebody had recommendations to already just only one of my questions.
The goal is to generate a geometry in Grasshopper, thermally simulate it with pyansys mapdl and visualize the results back in rhino/grasshopper. I try to perform a thermal heat flux simulation of a 2D horizontal sections through a facade element. Not only one, but one by one until a set of a few thousand different variants is done, so I figured to do so pythonically.
Issue 1: Identification
So far I generated the geometry in Grasshopper and exported the planar surfaces as a .sat file. There it was imported using pyansys mapdl and added Boundary conditions (BC) and material properties. (Using ASEL and the curve ID’s) But I am having issues properly identifying the correct areas/curves by ID since they seem to be different sometimes in Grasshopper and ansys. So besides ID, location could be considerable but less precise for my purposes.
Does anyone know a smart way to properly identify the wanted curves/surfaces in pyansys? (See img below. I worked with the curve ID's and want to mainly set blue and red boundaries but the numbers are changing)
Issue 2: Synchronize passive Boundary Conditions
On this surface, I have two interior surfaces which should behave equally and pass on all changes in loads to each other. So temperature changes applied to the one surface (A1) should automatically also reach the other surface (A2). Does somebody see an option for this? (pink boundaries/areas should be synchronized)
2023 R2
Python 3.11
I'd be more than happy about any tips. Thank you in advance!
Hi @remaurenz , this is a nice project! A couple of questions/suggestions:
- Why do you want to use Grasshopper to create the geometry? That's something you could do with PyAnsysGeometry.
- If you're new to MAPDL, maybe using Mechanical would be easier. It's also exposed in PyAnsys: PyMechanical.
- The easiest way to identify lines / curves would be to create Named Selections (or components in MAPDL - these are the same) based on their locations.
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Hey Pernelle Marone-Hitz,
Thank you very much for your quick response and ideas. Creating the geometry in Grasshopper has so far fit best for my software knowledge but I'll try pyAnsysGeometry and pyMechanical. And then aim for their locations.
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For your goal of having two areas that have the same conditions you should consider setting up node couplings. This couples together degree of freedom at nodes so they are identical.
You can follow up on this concept in ANSYS innovation space forums as well since this forum is primarily for scripting solutions.