Generate probe Graphics Annotations with Ansys Mechanical Scripting

DavLip Member Posts: 2
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I can use the following Code Snippet script to create a single label at a specific X,Y,Z-location:

labels_manager = Graphics.LabelManager
result = Tree.FirstActiveObject
with Transaction():
    _old = labels_manager.GetObjectLabels(result)
    probe_label = labels_manager.CreateProbeLabel(result)
    point = Ansys.Mechanical.Graphics.Point([-142.835450,176.906526,105.497730],'mm')
    probe_label.Scoping.XYZ = point
    #probe_label.Note = "NULL"
    probe_label.Color = Ansys.ACT.Common.Graphics.Color(red=255, green=255, blue=255, alpha=100)

I want to make this stronger by being able to loop through a set of points in an array and assign a label to each one. How can I edit the snippet to do this?
