How to connect to a remote DPF server with Mechanica DPF

Taneli Member Posts: 9
First Anniversary Name Dropper First Comment
edited March 2024 in Structures

Mechanical 2024 R1 release material mentions a Remote Postprocessing capability using a DPF server, but I haven't been able to locate any documentation on how to do this.

Standalone DPF has info on how to start a server, but Im not sure if that is applicable. ACT also has method for connecting and disconnecting to a server, plus all result object have a method for retrieving result:

  • Ansys.ACT.Automation.Mechanical.Solution.StartRemoteDPFPostServerOnREP
  • Ansys.ACT.Automation.Mechanical.Solution.StopRemoteDPFPostServer
  • Ansys.ACT.Automation.Mechanical.Results.StressResults.EquivalentStress.RetrieveRemoteDPFResults

How does the remote postprocessing work and is it possible to connect to a remote DPF server using Mechanical DPF?
