DPF threading and RSPLIT APDL Command
I was curious if anyone knows the best methods to do post processing on lots of different mesh entities. Example: You have a model with lots of bolts and you want to do time-consuming post processing on each one. I am thinking of creating multiple smaller results files for each bolt with RSPLIT command. Then use threading module with mech_dpf to do post processing on each bolt-rst in separate threads.
Or, should I keep it in a single results file, and use a results extraction operator on a single thread in sequence, and send that raw data out for further processing on separate thread?
Would this be an efficient way to do this, or am I missing an easier, more obvious way?
I think @Pierre Thieffry should be able to provide some useful inputs on this one.
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@Mike.Thompson I recently worked on a multi-thread dpf example. I don't think you need to split the rst file.
You could either:
- load your entire result field for the full model and perform operations on each bolt on different dpf servers using multi-threading
- perform all operations including the retrieval of the result field for each bolt on different dpf servers.
Second option would be probably a bit more memory efficient. First option is if you need to operate on more parts of the model than just the bolt.
Here's a skeleton script for multi-threading:
import threading import ansys.dpf.core as dpf import time,sys import os class returnValueThread(threading.Thread): """ Class defined so the threads will return custom values """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.result = None def run(self): if self._target is None: return # could alternatively raise an exception, depends on the use case try: self.result = self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs) except Exception as exc: print(f'{type(exc).__name__}: {exc}', file=sys.stderr) # properly handle the exception def join(self, *args, **kwargs): super().join(*args, **kwargs) return self.result def worker_function_for_bolt(worker parameters) return bolt_data def getGlobalData(rst_file,server): return global_data if __name__ == '__main__': nservers=4 # Results file rst_file= r'...' # Create dpf servers servers_list=[] for proc in range(nproc): server = dpf.start_local_server( as_global=False, config=dpf.AvailableServerConfigs.InProcessServer) servers_list.append(server) # Get global fields to be used in susbsequent operations. # Done only once and on first server global_data=getGlobalData(rst_file,servers_list[0]) bolt_results={} sidx=0 # We cycle over server ids to spread the work over multiple servers threads_list=[] for boltid in bolt_list: server=servers_list[sidx] x = returnValueThread(target=worker_function_for_bolt, args=[worker args]) x.start() threads_list.append(x) sidx += 1 if sidx ==nproc: sidx = 0 # Gather output from threads for th in threads_list: bolt_results.update(th.join()) # bolt_resutls will gather the outputs from the worker function dpf.server.shutdown_all_session_servers()