Most suitable solver for cable characteristics simulation?
I have an issue at hand, and I haven't found an existing topic so far.
I need to simulate two parallel shielded cables in an EMC test environment (CISPR 25 ed. 5.0 compatible).
I have the following:
1. Cable geometry (single cable, mutual, cable-to-ground)
2. CISPR 25 - defined environment (ground plane characteristics)
3. Insulating material, shield material, and detailed core-litz characteristics
Both the ground and the shield are floating.
I need to simulate the following
1. Cable self-inductance, mutual-inductance
2. Cable self-impedance (real & imaginary part)
Considering the lack of my previous experience with EMC-related simulations and the absence of available material, to at least begin with --- what is the recommended solver within the Ansys Electronics?
Many thanks in advance!
Best Answer
@Mihailo Negrojevic - Mike is correct. You can post general support questions either on the support forum, or contact technical support directly. General support questions are unlikely to be answered in the developer forum.
This forum is for scripting related questions. For general modeling questions you can post on Ansys Innovation Space forums