How do I export Images and Figures from Mechanical to Powerpoint using scripting?
Pierre Thieffry
Member, Moderator, Employee Posts: 108
in Structures
I want export all figures and images I have created to Powerpoint. I want one per slide and the slide title should have the name of the parent result
Here's an example how you could do it. You will have to fit to your own layout
# Import Powerpoint Lib. import clr clr.AddReference("Microsoft.Office.Interop.PowerPoint") import Microsoft.Office.Interop.PowerPoint as PowerPoint # Create powerpoint application powerpoint = PowerPoint.ApplicationClass() powerpoint.Visible = True # Add presentation to the application presentation=powerpoint.Presentations.Add() # Save the presentation presentation.SaveAs(r"D:\temp\myppt.pptx", PowerPoint.PpSaveAsFileType.ppSaveAsDefault) # Choose theme to be used presentation.ApplyTheme(r"path_to_template\mytemplate.potx"); # Get figures and images pics=[] pics.extend(ExtAPI.DataModel.GetObjectsByType(DataModelObjectCategory.Image)) pics.extend(ExtAPI.DataModel.GetObjectsByType(DataModelObjectCategory.Figure)) # Pick layout from Theme (this is the style from your master slides) title_only_layout=presentation.SlideMaster.CustomLayouts[2] for i in range(len(pics)): current_pic=pics[i] # Activate Picture/Figure and export to file ExtAPI.DataModel.Tree.Activate(current_pic) filename='d:\\temp\\Pic - '+current_pic.Parent.Name+'.jpg' ExtAPI.Graphics.ExportImage(filename) # Now add a slide to PPT presentation.Slides.AddSlide(i+1,title_only_layout) current_slide=presentation.Slides(i+1) objs=current_slide.Shapes # Change its title objs.Title.TextFrame.TextRange.Text=current_pic.Parent.Name # Add picture to slide # Top left corner (pixel) x=200 y=50 # Size sizex=512 # Size as original picture sizey=int(sizex*ExtAPI.Graphics.Camera.ViewportHeight/ExtAPI.Graphics.Camera.ViewportWidth) objs.AddPicture(filename,False, True, x,y,sizex,sizey) presentation.Save() presentation.Close()