Pymechanical Setup on Linux

Please I have a question about using pyansys on Linux HPC
from the cheat sheet for pymechanical, I can use the code below to find where
AnsysWBU.exe is located on Windows computer;
from ansys.mechanical.core import find_mechanical
wb_exe = find_mechanical(241)[0]
» Ansys Inc\v241\aisol\bin\winx64\AnsysWBU.exe
On Linux, I have tried to do the same using the code:
from ansys.mechanical.core import find_mechanical
wb_exe = find_mechanical(232)[0]
but it returns an empty string:
I have checked the folder:
/Ansys Inc/v232/aisol/bin/linx64/*
but I did not fine the AnsysWBU.exe
My question then is, is there a different way to find the .exe file, or is this file different for Linux?
I hope to run this on a Linux HPC.
Thank you in advance.
Thank you I have now created a new topic
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For anyone having the problem
exec_file = ".../ansys_inc/v232/aisol/.workbench"when you luanch pymechanical.
Thank you @Pernelle Marone-Hitz