Error handling when using pull tool

Suneel Member Posts: 13
First Comment

Hi All,

With the help of the script I have created a bunch of Named selection (see image below) and each named selection contains two surfaces (source and target). I am looping through each group and pulling source face up-to target face based on the gap between tem.

The problem I am facing is, for some reason if pull operation fails the entire Spaceclaim getting struck. How can we skip that group if it is failing and continue with the next.



  • Mike.Thompson
    Mike.Thompson Member, Employee Posts: 366
    25 Answers 100 Comments Second Anniversary 25 Likes

    If the application is hanging up totally please contact ANSYS technical support.

    Also if the script execution seems to exit unexpectedly contact technical support.

    Most operations should have a result object as the output that tracks if the operation with successful. If it is not successful the script should continue, but obviously it may have downstream effects.