Is there a faster and more efficient way to extract tabular data on Linux?

Collins Member Posts: 24
10 Comments Name Dropper
edited May 22 in Structures


 control = pane.ControlUnknown

This approach doesn't work on Linux and also the alternative found here:

Is very slow.

Thank you


  • Collins
    Collins Member Posts: 24
    10 Comments Name Dropper


    @Pernelle Marone-Hitz

    Ansys suggestions, would be very much appreciated.

  • Collins
    Collins Member Posts: 24
    10 Comments Name Dropper
    edited May 22

    Following up on this question; In case anyone is going through this problem.

    I have used the core idea of the referenced algorithm and adapted it for transient analysis (for directional acceleration data).
    This runs faster compared to the referenced one because the Python looping is a little more efficient

     obs = []
     DirectionalAcceleration = [child for child in transient_analysis.Solution.Children if 
     child.DataModelObjectCategory == DataModelObjectCategory.DirectionalAcceleration]
     with Transaction():
           time_steps = transient_analysis.GetResultsData().ListTimeFreq   
           for result in DirectionalAcceleration:
                result_type = result.GetType().ToString()
                if 'Results' in result_type:
                   result.By = SetDriverStyle.Time
                   t_unit = result.Time.Unit
                   result.DisplayTime = Quantity(time_steps[0], t_unit)
                   data = [result.Average for time in time_steps]
                   obs.append( data)

    Note this works fine on Linux.

    If anyone finds something faster kindly post here.
