How to solve explicit dynamics analysis in Ansys 2023R1 on Linux?


I'm trying to solve an explicit dynamics analysis on Linux with pyMechanical but it seems not start solve.

Here's my python script:

import ansys.mechanical.core as pymechanical

wb_path = "/es01/home/zssoftware/Ansys/Ansys2023r1_gr/v231/aisol/.workbench"
print("wb_path", wb_path)
mechanical = pymechanical.launch_mechanical(exec_file=wb_path, verbose_mechanical=True, batch=True, loglevel="DEBUG", log_file=True, log_mechanical="pymechanical")
print("mechanical launch success: ", mechanical)

project_directory = mechanical.project_directory
print(f"project directory = {project_directory}")

    # import geometry file
geo_import_format = Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.GeometryImportPreference.Format.Automatic
geo_import_preferences = Ansys.ACT.Mechanical.Utilities.GeometryImportPreferences()
geo_import = Model.GeometryImportGroup.AddGeometryImport()
geo_import.Import("{geo_path:s}", geo_import_format, geo_import_preferences)

    # mesh
mesh_14 = Model.Mesh
mesh_14.ElementSize = Quantity(1, "m")
mesh_14.PhysicsPreference = MeshPhysicsPreferenceType.Explicit

# set ExplicitDynamicsAnalysis
explicit_dynamics_analysis = Model.AddExplicitDynamicsAnalysis()

def analysis_settings(p, value):
    pro = DataModel.AnalysisList[0].AnalysisSettings.PropertyByName(p)
    print("find %s propertry is ok, old value is %f " % (p, pro.InternalValue))
    print("update %s propertry is ok, new value is %f " % (p, pro.InternalValue))

analysis_settings("StepEndTime", 0.0001)

fixed_support = explicit_dynamics_analysis.AddFixedSupport()
selection = ExtAPI.SelectionManager.CreateSelectionInfo(SelectionTypeEnum.GeometryEntities)
selection.Ids = [88, 94, 91]
fixed_support.Location = selection

displacement = explicit_dynamics_analysis.AddDisplacement()
selection = ExtAPI.SelectionManager.CreateSelectionInfo(SelectionTypeEnum.GeometryEntities)
selection.Ids = [90, 93, 86]
displacement.Location = selection

displacement.XComponent.Inputs[0].DiscreteValues = [Quantity(0, 'sec'), Quantity(1, 'sec')]
displacement.XComponent.Output.DiscreteValues = [Quantity(0, 'mm'), Quantity(-10, 'mm')]



except Exception as e:
    print("An error occurred while running the Python script:", e)
    print("exit mechanical instance")

The solution seems not starts and I've got two warnings. Here's the stdout when running the script:

wb_path /es01/home/zssoftware/Ansys/Ansys2023r1_gr/v231/aisol/.workbench
Running /es01/home/zssoftware/Ansys/Ansys2023r1_gr/v231/aisol/.workbench -DSApplet -b -AppModeMech -grpc 10000.
INFO - GRPC_127.0.0.1:10000 -  mechanical - log_info - Mechanical connection is treated as local.
DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:10000 -  mechanical - log_debug - timetout:120 n_attempts:5 attempt_timeout=24.0
DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:10000 -  mechanical - log_debug - Connection attempt 1 with attempt timeout 24.0s
DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:10000 -  mechanical - log_debug - Connection attempt 2 with attempt timeout 24.0s
Initialize() started
Initialize() done
DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:10000 -  mechanical - log_debug - Established a connection to the Mechanical gRPC server.
INFO - GRPC_127.0.0.1:10000 -  mechanical - log_info - Waiting for Mechanical to be ready. Maximum wait time: 24.0s
INFO - GRPC_127.0.0.1:10000 -  mechanical - log_info - Mechanical is ready. It took 0 seconds to verify.
DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:10000 -  mechanical - log_debug - Connection attempt 2 succeeded.
INFO - GRPC_127.0.0.1:10000 -  mechanical - log_info - Mechanical is ready to accept grpc calls
mechanical launch success:  Ansys Mechanical [Ansys Mechanical Enterprise]
Product Version:231
Software build date:Sat Nov 26 20:15:28 2022
project directory = /tmp/AnsysMech8DD1/Project_Mech_Files/
AnsMeshingServer, compiled Nov 26 2022 21:20:33, DS Mesher, Thu May 30 19:36:43 2024
AnsMeshingServer, okay, Thu May 30 19:36:44 2024
exit code: 255
find StepEndTime propertry is ok, old value is 0.000000 
update StepEndTime propertry is ok, new value is 0.000100 
Warning at File: myxml, line 1, col 40, encoding 'utf-16' from XML declaration or manually set contradicts the auto-sensed encoding; ignoring
Warning at File: myxml, line 1, col 40, encoding 'utf-16' from XML declaration or manually set contradicts the auto-sensed encoding; ignoring
exit mechanical instance
DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:10000 -  mechanical - log_debug - In shutdown.
DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:10000 -  mechanical - log_debug - Shutting down...
DEBUG - GRPC_127.0.0.1:10000 -  mechanical - log_debug - No PyPIM cleanup is needed.
INFO - GRPC_127.0.0.1:10000 -  mechanical - log_info - Shutdown has finished.
