How to create elastic strain plot for each ply of a layered composite modeled by solids?
The idea is to automate the creation of elastic strains result in Mechanical on X or Y direction for all plies of a solid model, grouping these objects and then printing the maximum or minimum values.
Creating elastic strain object is straightforward in Mechanical. The main issue might be understanding how plies are selected when Sub Scope By is set as Ply. Please see the code below which identifies the plies (they've got 3D in their names') and then these are used in the scope of each result.
import os Solution = ExtAPI.DataModel.Project.Model.Analyses[0].Solution AllPlies = ExtAPI.DataModel.GetObjectsByType(DataModelObjectCategory.AnalysisPly) def PostCreation(direction): MaximumResults = [] MinimumResults = [] for Ply in AllPlies: if '3D' in Ply.Name: StrainElastic = Solution.AddNormalElasticStrain() StrainElastic.Ply = [Ply] if direction == 'YY': StrainElastic.NormalOrientation = NormalOrientationType.YAxis StrainElastic.By = SetDriverStyle.MaximumOverTime StrainElastic.DisplayOption = ResultAveragingType.ElementalMean StrainElastic.RenameBasedOnDefinition() MaximumResults.append(StrainElastic) StrainElasticMin = StrainElastic.Duplicate() StrainElasticMin.By = SetDriverStyle.MinimumOverTime StrainElasticMin.RenameBasedOnDefinition() MinimumResults.append(StrainElasticMin) name_max = '3D_Plies' + direction + '_MaxOverTime' name_min = '3D_Plies' + direction + '_MinOverTime' Solution.EvaluateAllResults() for i in MaximumResults: print('Result:%s Ply:%s Strain:%.5f' % (name_max,i.Name,i.Maximum.Value)) for i in MinimumResults: print('Result:%s Ply:%s Strain:%.5f' % (name_max,i.Name,i.Minimum.Value)) Result_Group = Tree.Group(MaximumResults) Result_Group.Name = name_max Result_Group = Tree.Group(MinimumResults) Result_Group.Name = name_min return PostCreation('XX') PostCreation('YY')
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final version with extract csv and picture for each ply
import csv
import osSolution = ExtAPI.DataModel.Project.Model.Analyses[0].Solution
AllPlies = ExtAPI.DataModel.GetObjectsByType(DataModelObjectCategory.AnalysisPly)def PostCreation(direction, csv_writer):
MaximumResults = []
MinimumResults = []
for Ply in AllPlies:
if 'TVF57' in Ply.Name:
StrainElastic = Solution.AddNormalElasticStrain()
StrainElastic.Ply = [Ply]
if direction == 'YY':
StrainElastic.NormalOrientation = NormalOrientationType.YAxis
StrainElastic.By = SetDriverStyle.MaximumOverTime
StrainElastic.DisplayOption = ResultAveragingType.ElementalMean
StrainElasticMin = StrainElastic.Duplicate()
StrainElasticMin.By = SetDriverStyle.MinimumOverTime
name_max = 'TVF57_Plies' + direction + '_MaxOverTime'
name_min = 'TVF57_Plies' + direction + '_MinOverTime'
for i in MaximumResults:
max_strain = i.Maximum.Value
csv_writer.writerow([name_max, i.Name, max_strain])
print('Result:%s Ply:%s Strain:%.5f' % (name_max, i.Name, max_strain))
ExportImage(i, name_max)
for i in MinimumResults:
min_strain = i.Minimum.Value
csv_writer.writerow([name_min, i.Name, min_strain])
print('Result:%s Ply:%s Strain:%.5f' % (name_min, i.Name, min_strain))
ExportImage(i, name_min)
Result_Group = Tree.Group(MaximumResults)
Result_Group.Name = name_max
Result_Group = Tree.Group(MinimumResults)
Result_Group.Name = name_mindef ExportImage(result, result_name):
Settings = Ansys.Mechanical.Graphics.GraphicsImageExportSettings()
image_dir = r"D:\images"
if not os.path.exists(image_dir):
image_path = os.path.join(image_dir, result_name + '' + result.Name + '.png')
ExtAPI.Graphics.ExportImage(image_path, GraphicsImageExportFormat.PNG, Settings)
print('Exported image for result: {}{}'.format(result_name, result.Name))
except Exception as ex:
print('Failed to export image for result: {}_{} - {}'.format(result_name, result.Name, str(ex)))image_dir = r"D:\images"
if not os.path.exists(image_dir):
os.makedirs(image_dir)csv_file_path = os.path.join(image_dir, 'results_results_ID1_TVF57.csv')
with open(csv_file_path, mode='w') as file:
csv_writer = csv.writer(file)
csv_writer.writerow(['Result Type', 'Ply Name', 'Strain Value']) # Header row
PostCreation('XX', csv_writer)
PostCreation('YY', csv_writer)
print("CSV file saved: {}".format(csv_file_path))
except Exception as ex:
print('Failed to save CSV file: {}'.format(str(ex)))0