How to export reaction forces andf moment in spectrum analysis ?

Jean Member Posts: 19
10 Comments Name Dropper


In spectrum analysis, it's quite fastidious to extract forces and moments reactions.
I would like to automate this.
For the moment, I add APDL script for extracting these data (with ETABLE ou FSUM commands).

Now, I would like to export these data in a more convinient form, in a csv file with 5 columns :
Name | Fx | Fy | Fz | Mx | My | Mz

Name : names of my joints
F and M : reaction forces and moments of my joints

I was thinking of a script like this :
1- Created empty lists
2- Loop over joints
2.1- Extract joint name
2.2- Extract reaction force and moment
2.3- Fill the lists
3- Export data in a csv file.

(But I am open for other method and tools)

I have no problem for step : 1, 2.3 and 3.
However, I can't find a solution for steps : 2.1 and 2.2.

My questions are :
1- How to extract names of all my joints ?
2- How can I extract force and moment reaction of my joints ?

Thanks for your help,
