How do I automate a moving ImportedPressure object in Mechanical

Aria Member, Employee Posts: 67
25 Answers Second Anniversary 25 Likes 10 Comments

How do I generate an imported pressure load that moves as a function of time and vary the scale over time in Mechanical?

Best Answer

  • Aria
    Aria Member, Employee Posts: 67
    25 Answers Second Anniversary 25 Likes 10 Comments
    Answer ✓

    This is a sample code which generate n number of imported pressure loads, vary them over time and transform the load object as a function of time (points).

    To run it, the Imported Load tree object needs to be selected.

    import math
    ## inputs ##
    time_range = [0,10]
    x_range = [5,50] # x0 to x1
    y_range = [10,23] # y0 to y1
    z_range = [-100,300] # z0 to z1
    points = 10
    def linspace(val_range, num):
        start, stop = val_range[0], val_range[1]
        diff = stop - start
        step = diff / (num - 1)
        return [start + step * i for i in range(num)]
    def sinus(x1, x2, num_points):
        return [math.sin(x1 + i * (x2 - x1) / num_points) for i in range(num_points)]
    imp = Tree.FirstActiveObject
    analysis = imp.Parent
    analysis.AnalysisSettings.NumberOfSteps = points
    xvals = linspace(x_range,points)
    yvals = linspace(y_range,points)
    zvals = linspace(z_range,points)
    scale_range = sinus(0,2*math.pi,points)
    for iter in range(0,points):
        with Transaction(suspendClicks=True):
            if iter == 0:
                load = imp.AddImportedPressure()
                load = load.Duplicate()
            table[1] = iter+1
            table[2] = round(scale_range[iter] ,2)
            load.PropertyByName("OriginX").InternalValue = float(xvals[iter])
            load.PropertyByName("OriginY").InternalValue = float(yvals[iter])
            load.PropertyByName("OriginZ").InternalValue = float(zvals[iter])
