PyMAPDL:Plotting Nodal Temperatures in a Thermal (Fourier Heat Conduction) Problem

Sherlock007 Member Posts: 4
First Comment
edited June 2024 in Structures


After mapdl.solu() I am attempting to plot the solution nodal temperatures:

I found two ways of doing that:


result = mapdl.result result.plot_nodal_temperature(0)

2) mapdl.post1() mapdl.set(1,1) mapdl.post_processing.plot_nodal_temperature()

Method 1 seems to work -> It matches with MAPDL solutions and satisfies the temperature BC's applied

Method 2: does not seems to work at all.

What is the issue? Could you please help?



  • Mike Rife
    Mike Rife Member, Employee Posts: 52
    Second Anniversary 10 Comments First Answer 5 Likes

    Hi @Sherlock007 and everyone
    This came in also as a standard technical support case. For anyone else who is interested the first idea is that the PyMAPDL Reader (from result = mapdl.result) is post processing the core result files. But the PyMAPDL native post processing (mapdl.post_processing....) is post processing the combined result file since it comes after the implied finish command finishing out of the solution processor (which would then automatically combine the core files into one big file). And the model was run more than once, with some change, so the two sets of result files don't match. Waiting on confirmation from Sherlock007 on this.