Running external Python file from Python Code object in Mechanical

I am trying to run a post-processing script for my thermal results that uses Numpy and Scipy libraries.
However, those are not available in the ANSYS 2021 version, so I am trying to do that by using a Python Code obejct in the interface that calls my post-processing script via a command window.
Sadly, I am a bit lost as the script does not seem to be running even though no error message appears.
I'all appreciate your help.
Thank you
This would be the code I am using.
import subprocess
import ossolver_files_directory = ExtAPI.DataModel.Project.Model.Analyses[0].WorkingDir
anaconda_1 = "@echo OFF\n"
anaconda_2 = 'call conda activate C:\ProgramData\Miniconda3\envs\py37_v1\n'
anaconda_3 = 'call conda deactivate\n'
anaconda_4 = 'pause'python_executable = "python"
script_path = r'Y:\'
arguments = [solver_files_directory, "Selection.txt", "Selection 4.txt", "Selection 2.txt", "Selection 3.txt"]
command = "{} {} {} {} {} {} {}".format(anaconda_1, anaconda_2, python_executable, script_path, ' '.join(arguments), anaconda_3, anaconda_4)
subprocess.Popen(["cmd", "/c", "start", "cmd", "/k", command])
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There are lots of ways to do this, which you can explore on the internet. At Ansys we do not have access to Anaconda, so we cannot debug your methodology. Personally, I like to create and run a ".bat" file to make it easier to develop and debug my CPython script independent of Mechanical's IPython:
import os release = Ansys.Utilities.ApplicationConfiguration.DefaultConfiguration.VersionInfo.VersionString pythonEXE = r'%AWP_ROOT{}%\commonfiles\CPython\3_7\winx64\Release\python\python.exe'.format(release) RunDir = r'D:\Test' BatFile = os.path.join(RunDir , "RunCP.bat") OutFile = os.path.join(RunDir , "log.txt") CPscript = os.path.join(RunDir , "") with open(BatFile, "w") as f: cmd = '"{}" "{}"'.format(pythonEXE,CPscript) f.write(cmd) os.system(BatFile+" > "+OutFile)
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Thank you Landon, it worked. My python script that is called by the bat file produces a couple of png outputs. Do you think it would be possible to show these in the ANSYS solution tree, as a branch of the Python Code obejct perhaps?
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myfile = r"D:\Test\capture.png" solution = ExtAPI.DataModel.Project.Model.Analyses[0].Solution solution.AddImage(myfile)